You are welcome to our thanksgiving Sunday. I hope that you have had a great week. I pray that the Holy Spirit will minister to you and that you won’t go out of this Cathedral, the same way you came in. I would like us to know that when God invites us into relationship, He doesn’t only[…]

May the Almighty Name of the Lord be praised. The Previous Sunday the Ag. Vicar Rev. Canon Geoffrey Byarugaba emphatically shared a Sermon on the Theme “Building a Family Legacy” drawing biblical references from Duet. 28:1-14 and 2 Pet. 1:3-11 respectively. He clearly pointed that a Family descends from a common father. He explained further the Key Word[…]

A.C.P Updates (Sunday, 14th May 2017)

Today 14th May 2017 is a special Sunday as we get ready to start Phase 2 works this week. The ACP Team extends gratitude and blessings for all the contributions, prayers and desire to raise the sanctuary of God. The Lord is continuing to do marvellous things as we wind down the pre-construction stages. A. Financial Status[…]

Hello Saint, it’s been a while, since you last received some devotional reading from me. Today I have bounced back with something on witnessing to the family. Before ascending to heaven to be with the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ after His resurrection, reminded the disciples of their unique responsibility, he said, “…But you will receive power[…]

Source: The Anglican Communion has announced that Sudan will, in a few months from now, become a separate Province is its own right. Currently, Sudan is an internal province within the Anglican Church of South Sudan and Sudan. The Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon, described it as a “welcome development” that[…]

May the Name of the Lord be honored – Amen. The All Saints’ Cathedral Peoples’ Warden Mr. James Abola delivered a Sermon on the Theme ‘Family Stewardship’ and focused on Gen. 39:6-10 and Lk. 8:16-18 concurrently. As a preamble, James pointed out that some parts of Uganda had witnessed overarching famine – which had negatively impacted on their[…]

ACP Update (Sunday, 7th May 2017)

Today 7th March 2017 is a special ACP Sunday as we get ready to start Phase 2 works in two weeks’ time. The ACP Team extends gratitude and blessings for all the contributions, prayers and desire to raise the sanctuary of God. The Lord is continuing to do marvellous things as we wind down the pre-construction stages. A.[…]

Text: Psalm 34: 1-22. “Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it,” verse 14, ESV. Peace does not come without effort; it involves working hard by pursuing it. Be ready to deny yourself some of the privileges like honor and some other selfish interests. Reflect on verse 14, for the things you[…]

Text: Ephesians 2: 1-10. “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before hand, that we should walk in them,” verse 10, ESV. Much as we are saved by grace alone, we need to persevere in holiness as we glorify God by conducting ourselves well. Let people see the fruit of the Holy[…]

Text: Exodus 13:1-10. “You shall tell your son on that day, ‘It is because of what the LORD did for me when I came out of Egypt,’” verse 8, ESV. Tell the story of where God found you, especially if He found you an adult. Let people see God’s ability to break chains of bondage. Many will want[…]