Text: Acts 18:1-28Apostle Paul has gone to the city of Corinth, a major commercial city of the Roman empire, which is full of idolatry and immorality. He locates a congregation of Jews and speaks to them about Jesus being the Christ. Some believe, along with some gentiles; but others reject the gospel. We are not[…]

Text: Acts 4:1-37In the previous chapter, Peter and John, by the power of the ascended Christ, speak healing to a man over forty (40) years of age, who had been lame from birth. The apostles were arrested and questioned by the religious authorities. The Jewish authorities commanded the apostles to stop preaching Christ and threatened[…]

Text: Acts 4:1-37In the previous chapter, Peter and John, by the power of the ascended Christ, speak healing to a man over forty (40) years of age, who had been lame from birth. The apostles were arrested and questioned by the religious authorities. The Jewish authorities commanded the apostles to stop preaching Christ and threatened[…]

Text: John 14:23-31.Chapters 13:31 to 16:33 are termed as Jesus’ Upper Room Discourse. Jesus is about to be arrested, and this section records His last formal instruction to His disciples. The Lord has told them He will be leaving them, and He has said that He will be crucified. So, they are certainly very anxious.[…]

Text: Mark 4:1-41This is an exciting passage. Jesus always had purpose; He did not do things by chance. He had a reason for going to the other side of the lake; a reason for crossing by boat, instead of walking around and skirting the lake. He was going to show His disciples something about Himself.[…]

Text: Matthew 6:1-34This passage is part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, chapters 5-7. It is a sweet pastoral passage from our Gentle Shepherd, Jesus. He knew all his listeners got anxious, worried about things that were out of their control, or even about the things they thought they could control. So, Pastor Jesus gently[…]

Text: Psalm 42:1-11You will notice before verse 1 that the Psalm was written by the sons of Korah. This is a very encouraging notation. In Numbers 16, we read that Korah and some others rebelled against Moses. Consequently, the ground opened and swallowed the rebels, their families, and their belongings. Yet, somehow, we read in[…]

The passage of our sharing today is commonly seen as the manifesto of our Lord Jesus as seen in Luke 4:18-19.The prophesy presents Jesus as the anointed one, the messiah who was sent to bring Good News to the poor. Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus told his disciples to go and make disciples. Take the gospel to[…]


The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project. We continue to execute phase 3 through Transition Works in small lots, despite the challenges affecting the construction and financial sectors. The site remains under restricted access.It is our prayer that by end of this year 2021, the pending interiors[…]

Text: Psalm 34:1-22In the Hebrew verse 1 (look back to the lesson of October 7), we read about the circumstances behind this psalm. The story is a little comical, although largely sad. Yahweh was going to end King Saul’s reign in Israel because of the King’s sin (1 Sam.15) and then make David a king[…]