The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project. We continue to execute phase 3 through Transi- tion Works in small lots, despite the challenges affecting the construc- tion and financial sectors. The site remains under restricted access. It is our prayer that by end of this year 2021, the pending interiors and[…]
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 As you serve the Lord in different ways, there will be moments of discouragement as people may not respond to the message the way you expect or as your business is not taking off as anticipated. Do not be discouraged (v.58). Sometimes the people you help, some turn against you, do not stop helping others; your labour[…]
Text: 1 Corinthians 10:23-33 Everything you do: eating, grazing, digging, accounting, preaching should give glory to God (v.31). Let your driving give glory to God. Let your leadership or your parenting skills give glory to God. Meditate on verse 31. How are you going to apply it to your life? Heavenly Father, the Lord of heaven and earth, let[…]
Text: 1 Corinthians 4:1-21 God requires us to work with diligence and trustworthiness (v.2). If you are a preacher of the Word, preach what the Lord commands you to preach, not what people want to hear. If you are a teacher in the school, a farmer, a shop keeper, whatever God has called you to do be truthful to[…]
On Thursday we celebrated the Ascension of Christ. It is a day when he was lifted up to heaven as we read in Luke 24:50-53 and Acts 1:6-11. While they were with him, he blessed them and parted to heaven. The two men robbed in white told the disciples that “This Jesus, who was taken up from[…]
The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathe- dral Building project. We continue to execute phase 3 through Transi- tion Works in small lots, despite the challenges affecting the construc– tion and financial sectors. The site remains under restricted access. It is our prayer that by end of this year 2021, the pending interiors[…]
Shalom brethren! Last Sunday’s topic: Work as Worship [2 Cor 5:16-21 and Eph. 6:5- 9]. We worship God by giving him reverent honor and homage as Father of our Lord Jesus who redeemed us through his son. Work runs through the scriptures. Right at creation; God tells Adam and Eve to be fruitful and increase in number; fill the[…]
From the beginning, God created human beings in His own image and in a good or perfect state so that they fellowship with Him. Unfortunately, the devil in form of a snake came in and introduced sin which messed up the union. Man consequently developed a sense of guilt and rebellion. As early as that God made[…]
The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project. We continue to execute phase 3 through Transition Works in small lots, despite the continuing effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on construction and financial sectors. The site remains under restricted access. This year 2021, the pending interiors and Sanctuary building exteriors[…]
Shalom Brethren! Last Sunday’s topic was. Worshiping in Truth and In Spirit [John 4:1-26]; (Heb= shachah) to bow down/prostrate. Worship in the Christian context, is the act of magnifying God/expressing reverence and adoration because of who he is. As believers, going to church is an expression of honour and reverence to God for who he[…]