TEXT: JOHN 16:1-15The Holy Spirit Who guided the New Statement writers to put down what we have in the Bible is still at work (v.13). Allow Him to work in your life moment by moment. There are items that we need and treasure, and must pray for every day. However, avoid using certain “colourful” words[…]

TEXT: JOHN 11:38-44One can pray to God in any posture: Abraham fell upon his face (Gen.12:3, 17); Moses prayed with raised hands (Exod. 9:27-29) while King Solomon knelt in prayer (1 King 8:54) and Jesus Christ prayed looking up to heaven (v.41), It is important to note that, in prayer, we are on “Holy ground”,[…]

TEXT: LUKE 18:7-14While we should persevere in prayer, it is important that we cry, knock, and wrestle with God (v.7). Jacob wrestled with God (Gen.32:26), Daniel cried to God (Dan.9:19), Jesus cried to His Father (Heb. 5:7). Let us avoid lukewarm prayer; instead be earnest in our prayers. Meditate on verse 7. How are you[…]

TEXT: EXODUS 32: 1-14Moses prayed with courage to God for Him not to destroy Israel; “why should the Egyptians say, ‘With evil intent did he bring them out, to kill them in the mountains and to consume them from the face of the earth’?Turn from your burning anger and relent from this disaster against your[…]


The year 2021 exposed us to many hopeless situations in the nation, church, families and world at large. Domestic violence, child marriages and pregnancies, children at home with no hope of going to school, loss and closure of businesses, loss of family members, many orphans, widows and widowers, divorces and broken marriages, disappointments in relationships[…]

ACP Update – Sat. 1st January 2022

The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project. We continue to execute phase 3 through Transition Works in small lots, despite the continuing effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on construction and financial sectors. The site remains under restricted access. It is our prayer that by the time the[…]

Text: Leviticus 16:1-34The life of the flesh is in the blood. Therefore, Israelites were forbidden from eating blood as respect for life (Gen. 9:4-6). Also it is the blood that marked the atonement for souls. The blood of an animal sacrificed would symbolically redeem the life of the sinner; the blood would save the sinner.[…]

Text: Zechariah 12:1-14Prophet Zechariah says that God will pour the Holy Spirit on to the house of King David and inhabitants of Jerusalem causing many to see the one whom they pierced (v.10). And after recognizing Jesus Christ asthe Messiah, they will cry bitterly. The prophecy was fulfilled when one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’[…]

Text: Hosea 11:1-12Prophet Hosea predicted God calling His Son out of Egypt (v.1). Remember Jesus Christ, as a baby with His family, took refuge in Egypt, fleeing the ruthless King Herod.The prophecy was fulfilled when the Lord told Joseph in a dream to take the mother and child and flee to Egypt for safety (Mat.[…]

ACP Updates (Sun 26 Dec 2021)

The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project. We continue to execute phase 3 through Transition Works in small lots, despite the continuing effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on construction and financial sectors. The site remains under restricted access. It is our prayer that by the time the[…]