God’s Protection

Text: Isaiah 52:1-12. When troubles like death come to us, we should compose ourselves and sit up knowing God is in control because He hears our cries and comes to our rescue and His messages should bring joy to our hearts. In any situation He is both at the back and in front (V 12).[…]

God our Refuge and Help

Text: Psalm 46:1-10. In difficult times like those when we lose our dear ones, we can depend on God for help and for comfort and He just asks us to be still and know that He is God. He is always near and He is a fortress where we can hide in such times. How[…]

[ACNS, by Gavin Drake] The Church of Uganda adopted a 10-year master strategic plan when its Provincial Assembly held its biennial meeting last month in Mukono. Over the next decade, the Church will focus on mission, socio-economic issues, community engagement, and the institution to “make the Church more vibrant and focused on the critical areas[…]

Promised Holy Spirit

Text: Romans 16:17-20. Promised Holy Spirit would come and stay and live with us so that we are not left as orphans. Also it is assurance that those who love our Lord Jesus Christ will continue to live on and should actually rejoice that Jesus is going away. In the same way when our loved ones[…]

Claim your position as a child of God

Text: Romans 8:12-17. You need to first receive and believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God so that you can claim your position as a son of God, verse 15. In Christ you are a new person, and have received the spirit of adoption as a child of God. Cry to your Father, He[…]

Text: Colossians 1:24-29. In Christ you are empowered to overcome the devil. If you are a child of God you have the power to overcome the devil in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In Christ the mystery is now revealed in Him, verse 27. If Christ lives in you then you[…]

[ACNS, by Gavin Drake] The Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town, Desmond Tutu, has turned to social media to thank well-wishers after he was once-again hospitalised. Archbishop Tutu was discharged from hospital on Wednesday after a three-week stay, which included surgery to treat a series of recurring infections. On Saturday he was re-admitted as a precaution[…]

Text: 2 Timothy 1:3-7. God has not given you the spirit of fear but of power, love and self control verse 7. Therefore, you should not allow the devil and his agents to torment you. Claim your position as a child of God in the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God. Reflect on[…]

Claim Your Position As A Child Of God

Text: Romans 8:12-17. You need to first receive and believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God so that you can claim your position as a child of God, verse 15. In Christ you are a new person, and have received the spirit of adoption as a child of God. Cry to your Father, He[…]

Cast Out Fear From Yourself

Text: Isaiah 41:1-20. Trust God for He is more powerful than the devil. Take and believe Gods’ word seriously, for He is saying that do not fear, (verses 10, 13, 14). The devil uses fear a lot to terrorize God’s people. Reject such fear as you claim the word of the Lord. Reflect on verses[…]