This season is one for sacrificial giving. We cannot express our gratitude in words for every contribution you have made towards our new Cathedral. Keep praying and prepare a choice offertory as God guides you. We also invite you parishioners to make many different groups as Gideons. Gideons are individuals or groups of people who[…]

Walking in the Fear of the Lord

Text: Acts 9:23-31. The Church walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, multiplied (V 31) for only one reason; that the Apostles had accepted and reconciled with Paul through the testimony of Barnabas. And through this new relationship, St Paul was saved twice from death by the Christians since he[…]

Canons sue Bishop Ntagali over diocese takeover

Source: :: By Juliet Kigongo | KAMPALA. The High Court in Kampala has summoned Church of Uganda Archbishop Stanely Ntagali to respond to allegations by eleven canons that he has unlawfully taken over the management of West Ankole Diocese in Bushenyi district. The canons led by Christopher Kisembo accuse Archbishop Ntagali of abusing his[…]

In all things seek Jesus Christ

Text: Colossians 1:15-23. Jesus Christ is our all in all; both in Heaven and on Earth from creation into eternity. He is the image of God Almighty and reconciles all things together (V 20) including all of us who were ‘alienated and hostile to God’s ways doing all sorts of evil deeds’. What lesson or lessons do you[…]

Bury the hatchet

Text: John 21:4-19. Today’s reading has two lessons for us. The first is about Peter and the other disciples going back to fishing and catching no fish, but because the Lord said so, they cast their net and catch a lot of fish. Then Jesus prepares a roasted fish breakfast for them! The second lesson is a reconciliatory[…]

Live at Peace with all People

Text: Romans 12:9-21. Reconciliation is love for the ‘unlovable’ – those who persecute you, those who are weeping out of persecution, – paying no evil for evil. Love genuinely and do not think of yourself as wiser, but instead feed your enemies and give them drink if they are thirsty. Yes, acts of mercy and as far as[…]

Commit yourself Sacrificially

Text: Romans 5:6-21. We were enemies of God because we had become ungodly and yet in that state, Jesus still died for us and reconciled us back to God. (V 10) Jesus died as one person so that many including you and I may be saved from the wrath of God. What lesson do you learn from this reading?[…]

Text: Genesis 45:4-15. Like we saw yesterday, we see today Joseph revealing himself to his very brothers who had years earlier sold him as a slave but who were now embracing, kissing, and weeping with him – shedding tears of joy! Notice how Joseph explains that what his brothers did was not their fault because it was[…]

Text: Genesis 33:4-20. Esau and his twin brother Jacob had separated on a very bad note due to betrayal, hatred, and suspicion. However, in today’s reading we see the two brothers embracing, kissing, and weeping over each other. Notice that Jacob, who got the blessings, calls Esau his lord! And also note that Esau offers to help[…]

Being ambassadors of Christ

Text: 2 Corinthians 5:11-21. Today’s reading is a powerful message about reconciliation initiated by God through Jesus Christ who died so that we may live in eternal life. However, the ministry of reconciliation was entrusted to the followers of Jesus Christ who are led by His love and, therefore, must act as Ambassadors to bring people back to[…]