The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project, now in Phase 3 which is the Completion phase. The new Sanctuary is fully plastered internally and external works for storm water drainage, paving, boundary fencing and gates are done. Completion for all Interior works and installations is anticipated by[…]
This Chapter begins with an address to servants of God who are percieved as elders of the flock according to God’s will. They should not pursue dishonest gain but be eager to serve to the end when they will get the reward from Jesus Christ.To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder[…]
The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project, now in Phase 3 which is the Completion phase. The new Sanctuary is fully plastered internally and external works for storm water drainage, paving, boundary fencing andgates are done. Completion for all Interior works and installations is anticipated by the[…]
Our families are unique because of differences in our belief systems and tribal structures. Each one of us needs to understand the spiritual mapping of your families before you attack the strongholds. The assurance is that however strong they are, Jesus defeated them on the cross and in him we have victory. If we are[…]
The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project, now in Phase 3 which is the Completion phase. The new Sanctuary is fully plastered internally and external works for storm water drainage, paving, boundary fencing and gates are done. Completion for all Interior works and installations is anticipated by[…]
1 Peter 2:5 says that believers in Christ we are being built up as a spiritual house. Apostle Peter explains that every believer is an individual living Stone which finally gets added up to build a house which is Spiritual for God. Every believer has life and is not dead because Christ has given us[…]
Before Paul uses the words, “vessels of honour”, he begins by describing the vessel. The vessel should not quarrel, should be presentable and usable by God, must win God’s approval by avoiding unnecessary talk and wicked conversation which break down other than building up the body of Christ. A good vessel is not swerved from[…]
The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project, now in Phase 3 which is the Completion phase. The new Sanctuary is fully plastered internally and external works for storm water drainage, paving, boundary fencing and gates are done. Completion for all Interior works and installations is anticipated by[…]
The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project, now in Phase 3 which is the completion phase. The new Sanctuary is fully plastered internally and external works for storm water drainage, paving, boundary fencing and gates are done. Project completion for all works and installations is anticipated by[…]
In the epistle to the Ephesians Paul tells us that “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers” (Ephesians 4:11 NKJV). Some versions put Pastors and teachers as same gift though seemingly linked, they are not the same. To some extent all pastors are supposed to[…]