The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project, now in Phase 3 which is the Completion phase. The new Sanctuary is fully plastered internally and external works for storm water drainage, paving, boundary fencing and gates are done.

Completion for all Interior works and installations is anticipated by the end of the year 2023 while Exterior Works will be done next year 2024. The scope of Exterior works will mean- Cladding to Slanting Walls and bell tower, pending offices (on lower ground) and installations for functionality.

Brethren, the finishing line is near, do not despair! We encourage you to continue to:
Pray, Participate, Provide and (mobilize) Partners for this great work as we honor God. Thank you, for your continued support. 

Financial Status
The above roadmap heavily depends on how fast we can close the funding gap

Ongoing Scope of Contracts for Interior WorksContractorsContract Value (UGX), incl. VAT
1.Floor finishes and Internal Wall finishes (Lot 6); Closures – Doors and Railings (Lot 7), Acoustic Ceiling (Lot 9), and electro-mechanical installations (Lot 10/11)Seyani Construction Company Limited6,965,469,955
2.Windows (Lot 8); Public Washrooms and
Selected Offices (Transitional Works)
Hebron Investments Ltd803,804,914
3.Floor Finishes – Bell Tower and Staircases
(Sub-contractor/ Transitional)
Terrazzo Masters Ltd273,180,856
4.Consultancy ServicesCreations
Consult Africa
Ltd and CoConsultants
5.Total Obligation for On-going contracts8,742,455,725
6.Available funding at Commencement (Jan
7.Funding Gap at Commencement (Jan 2023)5,466,806,800
8.Funds raised so far (4th July, 2023)1,362,864,191
9.Current Funding Gap for Interior Works (4th
July, 2023)

8am service UGX. 5,344,500/= USD 220
10:00am service UGX. 7,391,600/= Rwanda Francs 5,000;
12:00 Noon serviceUGX. 3,973,900/=
Office/Walk in CollectionsUGX. 300,000/= USD 100
Total CollectionsUGX. 17,010,000/= USD 100; Rwanda Francs 5,000;

B. Technical Status
The project is in the hands of Supervising Consultants and Contractors. While the site remains under restricted access, you are encouraged to visit the site for a guided tour. A summary of specifications for Works and progress made so far is shown below:

WorksAdopted specifications / ScopeStatus (June 2023)
Floor Finishes (Lot 6)(a) Main Sanctuary – Aisles, Vestries and entrance /exit areas – Granite
(b) Main Sanctuary – Sitting area – Terrazzo
(c) Altar – Carpet
(d) All Galleries – Terrazzo
(e) All Bell Tower – Terrazzo
• Terrazzo work to Bell
tower including printing scriptures at landings = 90%
• Floor finishes for Sanctuary – not yet started until ceiling work is completed to clear the space
Doors and Railings (Lot 7)(a) Internal doors – Timber
(b) Entrance / Exit doors – Timber paneled in metallic framing and with artistic features
(c) Security access controls – Metallic doors / grill
(d) Railings – Wrought Iron Framing with Timber panels
• Railings to Stair cases
– commenced with Bell
• Doors – not yet fixed
pending floor finishes
Windows (Lot 8)(a) Steel Casement Window frames for large openings – for strength and durability
(b) Aluminum type – for smaller openings and offices
(c) 8mm Glazing
(d) Staining – selected panes to be laminated with stained stickers
(e) Long windows to Slanting walls – to be done later with exterior cladding
• Vertical windows for
Sanctuary at 70%
• Windows for offices on
lower ground at 90%
Acoustic Ceiling (Lot 9)(a)Timber ceiling with acoustic foam
• Suspended timber slats on steel framing fixed to roof profile.
• The timber used is Pine, stained to Mahogany appearance. Pine was agreed to balance cost, structural weight and availability.
(b)Acoustic material – foam with high reverberation (sound) absorption capacity
• Ceiling is 60% done
• Section under galleries completed
• Encasing roof trusses done
• Fixing Scaffolding for the high middle section
Electrical, ICT and
Security Installations
(Lot 10)
(a) Lighting and Power points
(b) Fire detection installations
(c) Audio – Visual installations – First fix only. Fittings/ equipment will be procured later
(d) Security installations – First fix only. Fittings/
equipment will be procured later
(e) Power Supply and back up – including a transformer
• Electrical installations
at 50%
• Laying of conduits in
walls and floors ongoing
Mechanical Installations (Lot 11)(a) Plumbing, Sanitary fittings and drainage
(b) Fire-fighting Installations
Not yet started

