Text: Romans 8:12-17. You need to first receive and believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God so that you can claim your position as a child of God, verse 15. In Christ you are a new person, and have received the spirit of adoption as a child of God. Cry to your Father, He[…]
Text: Isaiah 41:1-20. Trust God for He is more powerful than the devil. Take and believe Gods’ word seriously, for He is saying that do not fear, (verses 10, 13, 14). The devil uses fear a lot to terrorize God’s people. Reject such fear as you claim the word of the Lord. Reflect on verses[…]
Text: Acts 8:9-13. Simon, the magician practiced witchcraft with magic as we saw in the introduction of this topic, but when Philip proclaimed the Good News about Jesus Christ, the people saw the folly of witchcraft, they believed and were baptized. So did Simon himself. With the power of God in Jesus Christ people can[…]
Text: 1 John 4:4-6. You can live above the fear of witches and evil spirits because Jesus Christ, the King of Kings lives within us and Christ is infinitely more powerful than the mystical powers of this world. Jesus gave potential authority to his followers to overcome all the powers of Satan. Reflect on verses[…]
Text: Ephesians 6:10-18. In this text Paul warns you that since the battle you are engaged in is not against rulers of this world but spiritual warfare, you need to be strong in the Lord. Put on the whole armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Stand your[…]
Text: 2 Kings 9:21-27. Joram was killed because of the whoring and sorceries of his mother. Verse 22-24. You practice witchcraft at the risk of cursing your descendants. However, you can reverse the trend through repentance. Reflect on verse 22, what encouragement are you getting from this verse? How are you going to apply it[…]
Text: 2 Chronicles 33:1-9. King Manasseh practiced witchcraft and led Judah astray, verse 5. The Lord promised him defeat at the hands of the Assyrian King, verse 11. Witchcraft will give you temporary happiness and false hope, and in a short while or in the long run you are defeated and at worst go to[…]
Source: www.anglicannews.org | [ACNS, by Gavin Drake] The President and Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo headed a list of dignitaries at the installation of the new Archbishop of the Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo – the Anglican Church in the Congo – yesterday. Archbishop Masimango Katanda, the former Bishop of Kindu,[…]
Text: Malachi 3:5. Practicing witchcraft is one way of showing that one does not fear God. And God promises to be a swift witness against those who worship other gods. Note that by trusting other gods other than the true God, the Almighty, the Creator, you are practicing witchcraft. Reflect on verse 5, what other[…]
Text: Leviticus 19:22-32. The Book of Leviticus gives the people of Israel a number of things to be done and those not to be done. In today’s reading a number of those prohibitions are listed and in verse 31 it says that turning to witchcraft and consultation of mediums ‘defiles the people’ meaning that one[…]