Text: Judges 10:1-18 In vv. 6-7, we read how Israel abandoned Yahweh and served the false gods of the other nations. As a result, Yahweh gave Israel into the oppressing power of the enemies. They suffered long before they realised that their idolatry, indeed their spiritual adultery, was the reason for their suffering. Will a[…]

Text: Judges 9:1-57 One of Gideon’s wives was from Shechem, a city mixed with Canaanites and Israelites. With the help of the men of Shechem (v.24), Abimelech murdered 69 of his 70 half-brothers. This was his plan to be the ruler, by elimination of all potential rivals. But God did not allow that to prosper;[…]

Text: Judges 8:1-35 The people of Israel want Gideon to be their king, because he saved them (v.22). But they were wrong. Yahweh saved them and that was the point of the strange battle plan in Chapter 7 (cf. 7:2). Instead, Gideon asked for gold jewelry, which he used to make an ephod, a special[…]

ACP Updates (Sunday 14th July 2019)

ACP Team is grateful for all your contributions to the project. We encourage you to continue to: Pray, Participate, Provide and (mobilise) Partners for this great work as you honour God. A) Financial Status: ACP Summary of collections for June 2019 A) Financial Status – Phase II Project cost: UGX 7,123,484,957 Less Payments to date:[…]

Christian greetings friends! Last Sunday sparked off the July Mission Month and our Provost; The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye preached to the three congregations on the topic: ‘Return to The Lord’ drawing Biblical references from Hos 6:1-3 and Matt 3:1-8. Though the Children of Israel were in the presence of God they remained[…]

As I mentioned last Sunday one of the images that describe the sinfulness of Israel was “hot oven.” In the first seven verses this is repeated 3 times signifying how serious it was and therefore requires our attention. This imagery means that their adulterous and idolatrous lust was inflamed as an oven of a baker.[…]

Text: Judges 7:1-25 Gideon was nervous about himself being the leader of the battle because he knew himself to be insignificant (see yesterday’s meditations). God was going to walk him through another lesson about strength. Instead of fighting with 32,000 soldiers, God reduces the force to 300! The purpose is to reveal that God is[…]

Text: Judges 6:33-40 Should Gideon have requested a sign from God? God already answered one of Gideon’s requests (6:17-21); so Gideon knows that he has been called by God; and he knows God is able to bring victory. But Gideon probably doubts himself, because he knows he is not a “mighty man of valour” (v.12);[…]

Text: Judges 6:25-32 When Yahweh called Gideon into His service, his ministry started with the removal of Baal and Asherah worship, beginning with the false worship in his own family (v.25). God will not allow His glory to be given to anyone else (Isa.48:11). False worship caused Israel to drift away from the only true[…]

Text: Judges 6:11-24 Because of God’s faithfulness to His covenant union with Israel, He takes pity on them and raises up a Judge through whom He will deliver them. Gideon is that man. According to Gideon’s own words (v.15) he is an insignificant man in an insignificant clan, so why would God use him? It[…]