The advent season is dominated by heart breaking news especially the death of our loved ones. Many people are in hospitals while others are facing devastating circumstances beyond their understanding. Many people are hurrying to marry and get married. Many families are going through a lot of turmoil leading to divorce. It is also a[…]
Text: Mark 16:9-20 When Jesus Christ resurrected on the first day of the week, He appeared to Mary Magdalene, to two of His followers as they walked from Jerusalem to the country side (v. 12), and to the eleven disciples as they sat at the table (v.14). Please note that verse 16 does not teach[…]
Text: Mark 16:1-8On the first day of the week, women brought spices to anoint the body of Jesus (v.1). This shows that they, like the disciples, did not expect Jesus to resurrect from the dead. They found the stone had been rolled away (v. 3). Note that the stone was rolled away not to let[…]
The new ACP Team (4) commissioned on 17th November 2019 to steer phase 3 of the project comprises of the following members: Mrs. Vivian Igunduura (Chairperson), Eng. Richard Mugisa (Vice Chair/Technical), Mr. Jonathan Mpuga (Finance), Mr. Michael Niyitegeka (Communications), Mr. Stuart Mugabe (Funds Mobilisation), Lay Canon Alice Turyamureba, Mr. Joel Mbabazi, Arch. Andrew Amara Kaahwa,[…]
Text: Mark 15: 29-47 Jesus was crucified outside the City of Jerusalem, near the highway where He was exposed the passersby who would show gestures of contempt and ridicule (v. 29). At noon, darkness, marking a divine judgement covered, the land (v.33) (Isaiah 5:30; 13: 10, 11; Joel 2:1, 2; Amos 5:20; Zeph. 1: 14,[…]
The advent season is dominated by heart breaking news especially the death of our loved ones. Many people are in hospitals while others are facing devastating circumstances beyond their understanding. Many people are hurrying to marry and get married. Many families are going through a lot of turmoil leading to divorce. It is also a[…]
Brethren Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2020! The Lord has done great things was our topic last Sunday from Psalm 126:1-6 and John 6:1-14. We thank God for He has been faithful and all we can say is Ebenezer thus far He lord has brought us. No matter the circumstances we have gone through we[…]
Text: Mark 15: 1-28 Early in the morning the Chief Priests, in consultation with the whole Council, brought Jesus before Pilate (v.1). This time to be tried before the secular political authorities of Rome, represented by Governor Pontius Pilate. He was at that material time in Jerusalem for the Passover; otherwise; his official residence was[…]
Text: Mark 14: 53-72 Jesus was first put before the religious authorities (Jewish Sanhedrin) under the leadership of Caiaphas (v. 53). The accusations were false (v.55); but they still wanted Him sentenced to death. At some point, Peter denied that he knew who Jesus was, despite his earlier pledge to stand with Jesus in trial[…]
Text: Mark 14: 32-52 As Jesus comes to a point of fulfilling His mission – to die for the sins of many, the situation became unbearable for Him (v. 34). At some point He felt God could offer an alternative plan to save mankind (v. 36). The “cup” He meant was the cup of divine[…]