Text: Jeremiah 19: 1-15 God through Prophet Jeremiah continues to warn people of impending catastrophe because of their rebellion. Jeremiah called and gathered both elders and chiefs from the church and state to witness the symbolism of the coming danger (v.1). He took these leaders to a place called Ben Hinnom or Tophet. This is[…]

Text: Jeremiah 20:1-6 Pashhur whose name means either “lease” or “deliverance” was the Chief Governor, meaning he was chief official in charge of the Temple Police; but not high priest. Because of his evil acts, God changed his name from Pashhur to “Magor Missabib” meaning “Terror on every side” (v.3). He terrorised Prophet Jeremiah by[…]

Text: Jeremiah 18:18-23 The people are planning to persecute Prophet Jeremiah because he had challenged the social and moral behavior of everyone, including the King, Officials of the State, the Prophets, the Priests, the Wise and the Teachers (4:9, 8:8, 9). Instead of obeying him, the people chose to silence him. Their false prophets told[…]

ACP Update (Sunday 26th January 2020)

Phase 3 of the project includes civil works finishes, closures, fittings, equipment Installations and furnishing. During this year 2020, we will focus on the Sanctuary interiors and associated building services. In 2021, the Sanctuary Exteriors, Bell Tower and Offices (lower ground) will be done. Furnishing and Equipment installations may be achieved at any time, as[…]

The prayer of Jabez is said by many people and more so sang as a song. Many people probably use it to harness blessings from the Lord but without considering who Jabez was. Jabez means pain and sorrow (1Chron 4:9). The New International Encyclopedia of bible characters’ mentions that “he seems to have lived in[…]

Text: Jeremiah 17: 14-27. Jeremiah prays to God for his deliverance (v.14), despite being surrounded by the ungodly people (vv. 1-6, 11, 13) Jeremiah proves that he is a godly person. God was his praise (v.14); he had a shepherds’ heart that followed God (v.16); he was a man of prayer and whose heart was[…]

Text: Jeremiah 17:1-13 The story of reasons for God’s punishment on Israel is continued from Chapter 16 into this Chapter 17. The reasons listed in Chapter 17 are: idolatry (vv.1-4), relying on the flesh (v.5) and dishonesty in gaining wealth (v.11). These are the very sins that are hurting us in Uganda and the world[…]

ACP UPDATES (Sunday 12th January 2020)

Hallelujah, Emmanuel, God with us! We praise God that this special Christmas season celebration can be held in our new Cathedral building, still under construction. The new Sanctuary was roofed this year. Ebenezer! Phase 3 of the project includes civil works finishes, closures, fittings, equipment installations and furnishing. During this year, we will focus on[…]


We thank God for this months of prayer. Many of us are so busy working for God and not communing with God. Let us take opportunity to seek the face of the Lord during this season. Pray without ceasing, be an instrument of prayer and live a life of prayer. Let prayer be your life[…]

ACP UPDATES (Sunday 5th January 2020)

Hallelujah, Emmanuel, God with us! We praise God that this special Christmas season celebration can be held in our new Cathedral building, still under construction. The new Sanctuary was roofed this year. Ebenezer! Phase 3 of the project includes civil works finishes, closures, fittings, equipment installations and furnishing. During this year, we will focus on[…]