Text: 2 Chronicles 29:1-36 When the wicked King Ahaz died, his son, Hezekiah, became King. Hezekiah was a good man because he did what pleased Yahweh. The first thing we read of Hezekiah’s activities is the repairs to the Temple. He also gathered together the priests and the Levites and instructed them to restore proper[…]

Text: 2 Chronicles 28:1-27 Jotham’s son, Ahaz, becomes King of Judah, and he is a very godless man. The first four verses of the chapter are a short list of his evil deeds, which is what? Idolatry! He worshipped many gods (demons) on the high places, the hills, and under the trees. But the worst[…]

Text: 2 Chronicles 27:1-9 The passage tells us that Jotham was a good king. He learned from his father not to enter the Temple in an improper way. He worshipped properly, and God made him mighty because “he ordered his ways before Yahweh his God” (v.6). That means Jotham ruled, and lived his life, according[…]

Africa has been besieged for centuries and requires divine intervention for there to be a restoration of its resources. In series 9 we discussed areas where Africa needs to watch for a return to happen. First is a restoration of her food basket and secondly, her availability as an instrument for the teaching of the[…]

While in exile and on the run from Saul, David stayed in Ziklag. One day while David and his men were off to war, the Amalekites raided the Negev and Ziklag, and completely burnt it down, captured all the women and children. When David and his men returned, they sat down and wept bitterly and[…]

Text: 2 Chronicles 13:1-22 When Rehoboam died, his son, Abijah, became King of Israel. He was not a good King (1 Kin.15:3), but he did a great thing, recorded in this chapter. When he was about to fight against King Jeroboam and Israel, he reminded them that Yahweh covenanted with David and his descendants. Therefore,[…]

Text: 2 Chronicles 9:1-31 The nation of Sheba was, perhaps, southern Arabia, or Ethiopia, or northern Sudan. King Solomon welcomed many VIPs, but this visit is recorded in Scripture, so it must have been especially important. The wealth of everything she saw was far greater than she had been told! The Queen then blessed Solomon,[…]

We give glory to God as we return to places of worship and appreciate God for the restored fellowship. We come with hearts full of gratitude for what the Lord is doing in our lives on a daily basis. The Lord has carried us over the past seven months, we have learnt the ministry of[…]

Text: 2 Chronicles 8:1-18 There are several things listed in this chapter as accomplishments of King Solomon. He continued to expand the Kingdom by building cities, some of them as fortifications for security. The nations within the land of Israel were defeated and the people were enslaved to serve Israel. But we read of trouble[…]

Text: 2 Chronicles 7:15-22 This brief passage is frightening to read. It seems that God is going to punish His people when they sin. They are in covenant with Him, He promised them pardon and grace. But notice the passage is not about sin generally. It is specifically about abandoning Yahweh and serving other gods.[…]