Text: Haggai 2:1-23The people who had seen the former Temple of Solomon and compared it with what they were rebuilding, they got discouraged. The present Temple looked inferior to the former. However, God encouraged them to continue the work for He was with them (v.3-4). God promised the people that the glory of this new[…]
Text: Haggai 1:1-15Haggai is encouraging the people to finish up the rebuilding of the temple (v.2).He begins by quoting their common expression that the time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord. To the people rebuilding was not a problem but the timing. The timing could have been a challenge due[…]
Text: Zephaniah 2:1-15Much as there was serious warning of impending judgment; the people had time and choice to either return to God and avert the destruction or become stubborn and be punished by God (vv.1-3). Zephaniah pronounces judgement on the four cities and the cause was mainly Idolatry and constantly harassing Israel (v.4). The Moabites[…]
This week we are responding to Jesus’ call because we are heavily laden with the burdens, challenges, confusion and human manipulations that have im- pacted on us. These issue have totally affected our performance, our faith, our relationships, our marriages and every sector of life were we live. Many of us have labored for years[…]
The ACP Team joins all brethren to thank God for His faithfulness and how He has sustained the living church through the tough lock-down season. The year 2020 is being optimized through Transition Works in small lots, while Large scale scope of Works are anticipated in 2021, notwithstanding the continuing effect of the Covid-19 pandemic[…]
Text: 2 Chronicles 33:1-20 When godly King Hezekiah died, his son, Manasseh, became King. But he was a God-hater. He did not live or rule the way his father did. He worshipped false gods and re-built the places of idolatry that his father destroyed. He also burned his children in false worship, and he even[…]
Text: 2 Chronicles 32:1-33 In this chapter we read that godly King Hezekiah and Judah are attacked by Assyria. The Assyrian army officers mock Hezekiah and his reliance on Yahweh. They believe that no nation can withstand their onslaught. They had destroyed everyone else, and those gods did not help their followers. So the King[…]
Text: 2 Chronicles 31:1-21 When Hezekiah became King, he repaired the Temple, restored worship and the priesthood, and observed the Passover. As a result, a spiritual revival occurred in the Kingdom. The people went all over Judah destroying idols, and re-establishing tithing! At the end of the chapter we read about the motivation behind all[…]
Text: 2 Chronicles 30:1-27 In Exodus 12 we read about the institution of the Passover meal. The Passover was a remembrance of when Yahweh brought Israel out of their enslavement in Egypt, and it was to be observed in the first month of every year. In today’s chapter, the people prepare for Passover by destroying[…]
In the previous series we discussed areas where Africa needs to watch for a return to happen. We will now discuss the things that we need to focus on for the return of substance to be materialized. 1. Bind the strong manThe scripture in Mathew 12: 29 teaches that for one to enter a house,[…]