Text: Proverbs 31:13-15This woman is diligent about her work of providing for her family. She intentionally seeks for the right materials, refusing to accept some other product or something of lesser value. When she finds what she needs, she eagerly and gladly makes garments for her family. Comparing her to merchant ships is a huge[…]

Text: Proverbs 31:1-12When God created Adam and Eve, they were the perfect couple, they were literally one flesh. Then the tempter deceived Eve into disobeying God by eating the forbidden fruit. Eve should have gone to Adam for consultative affirmation; but, instead, she listened to the serpent, and lost her husband’s trust. Then, after Adam[…]

Text: Proverbs 22:1-29As with other proverbs, this one uses an extreme example to instruct ourthinking. Very few skilled workmen will serve kings. The majority of qualityworkmen will live modest lives and have modest jobs. The point to learn isthat being a skilled, quality worker is honorable. Our prime goal in life is not to seek[…]

ACP UPDATE – Sunday 9th May 2021

The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project. We continue to execute phase 3 through Transition Works in small lots, despite the challenges affecting the construction and financial sectors. The site remains under restricted access. It is our prayer that by end of this year 2021, the pending[…]

Text: Proverbs 22:1-16 When the Bible was written, a person who borrowed money literally became a slave, or they were imprisoned, if they failed to repay (Mat.18:34). And even if enslavement did not physically happen, the borrower is always afraid that he cannot repay, that he will he beaten, then he cannot sleep, he gets[…]

Text: Proverbs 21:1-31One of the nice things about the Proverbs is the use of the writing method called parallelism. That means, the author will write something in one line and then say the same or opposite thing in the next line. In the verses for today, the sluggard who craves is the opposite of the[…]

Text: Genesis 2:18-19Why did God make this statement? Was He unaware that being alone was not good? Of course God knew. God knows because He is not alone. God is three Persons (yet one God), and in verse 18 One Person is speaking to the other Two. God’s observation about aloneness is to bring the[…]

Text: Proverbs 16:1-33It is always a good thing to ask for God’s blessing on the work you do, and at the end of the day, and to thank Him for the opportunity you were given to serve Him. But verse 3 is encouraging us to go to the Lord before the work begins and ask[…]

Text: Proverbs 14:1-35As we have already considered, it was Adam’s disobedience to God that brought sin into human existence, including laziness. Human beings, created in the image of God, are designed to work hard. God’s work is non-stop and perfect. So, when we work hard, we are acting as image-bearers of God. It is very[…]

Text: Proverbs 12:15-28When Adam sinned, work became extremely difficult, hatred for work and laziness (disinterest, sluggishness) entered our existence. A lazy person does not like to work. God is diligent and not lazy, and nor should the ones who are created in His image. If God was lazy, creation would cease to exist, because every[…]