Text: 2 Timothy 1:1-18. “…. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that Day what he has been entrusted to me” verse 12-ESV. As a believer, God has entrusted to you two things; the gospel and life that you have. Your commitment[…]

Text: 1Timothy 6:1-21. Timothy is told to pursue righteous living and to fight a good fight (verses 11-12). We too are in spiritual warfare, fighting the devil, the world and the fresh. We must fight a good fight. We must flee from sin. Remember in Christ we are more than conquerors! You will fight a[…]

Text: 1Timothy 5:1-25. Timothy is given specific instructions on how people of various segments were to be treated (verses 1-3). This principle still applies to us today. You will truly respect others when you are in Christ as you follow Him daily. In Christ you appreciate that everyone is made in God’s image, and this compels you to treat[…]

Text: 1 Timothy 4:1-16. A good servant of the Lord must be trained in the words of faith and of good doctrine (v.6). Many people today are running to various “pastors” or teachers of the “Word”, and they have been led astray because these false teachers do not teach the Bible truth, instead they preach what people want[…]

ACP UPDATES (Sunday, 19th November 2017)

Phase 2 works are progressing on schedule. ACP Team wishes to extend their gratitude and blessings for all your contributions. We appeal to you to remain prayerful for the project and to choose to consistently give as you honour God. A. Financial Status: Summary of collections for the month November 2017 so far. Phase 2 Goal: •[…]

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour. Mr. Paul Ssepuuya delivered a Sermon to the three (3) ASC Congregations on the Theme ‘Positive use of the Media’. He pointed out that Media was one of the seven (7) Mountain Prophecy [ i.e. Government, Education, Economy, Family, Arts and Entertainment]. He also noted that besides the three[…]

Brethren, as we address this matter, I am thinking to myself, you only have to travel in a Kampala bound taxi, where one passenger feels they are being cheated by the conductor, for you to realize how filthy people’s tongues can be! You probably have been in places where somebody opened their mouth, and all that came out[…]

Praise the Lord Brethren! The November Theme focuses on Media’s influence on the Family. Last Sunday, Mr. Collins Babirukamu preached on the topic: Satan’s deception in Entertainment- drawing Biblical references from Titus 3:1-11 and Matthew 16:5-12 concurrently. He basically laid a foundation on this theme. He defined Media as a means of mass communication that influences widely while Entertainment[…]

Text; 1Timothy 3:1-16. Timothy is given in all detail the desired qualifications and other requirements to be found in leaders at various levels so that he may know very well ‘…how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the Church …’ verse 15-ESV. The disciple of Jesus Christ is the best leader ever! Those[…]

Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-15. In addition to resisting false teachers, Timothy is urged to engage in prayer for all people including those in authority, so that people may be saved (verses 2-4). Many times people find it difficult to pray for some leaders because of political differences and unforgiveness. You are encouraged to pray for your leader, much as[…]