Testimony by Mr. Kashumba Charles

17/5/2018 was my fifty fifth birthday. I thank God for the protection and provisions. 55 years comes with the news of retiring from Uganda Revenue Authority where I worked for 21years. I was appointed to URA on 16/5/1997.(URA has an age limit of 55years) I thank God for his guidance through the 21 years and[…]

Text: Psalm 13:1-6. David wrote this psalm complaining to God about the challenges he was going through. It seemed to him that God had forsaken him but he still went a head to present his case before God in prayer while also seeking comfort (vv.3- 4). He goes on to reaffirm his faith in the Lord and believes that[…]

Text: Psalm 12:1-8. Many times men’s words are hurtful, but God’s words bring healing. Out of frustration, David under the leadership of King Saul thought that all the godly people had perished and disappeared (v.1). David was concerned that every one was uttering lies (v.2). This very sin is rampant these days. Listen to the lies being told in the[…]

Text: Psalm 11:1-7 This Psalm is about David and Saul who chose to be the enemy of the former. Saul, in a fit of rage attempted to spear David for the second time. David was then advised by his friend to flee the country. David refused to go and instead placed his trust in the Lord’s protection.[…]

Text: Psalm 10:1-18. In difficult circumstances, the devil deceives you that your God is not interested in you and is far from you. (v.1). Do not swallow the bait, the Lord is always near you, just obey and trust Him! Meditate on verse 17. How are you going to apply it to your life? Father, in the[…]

Text: Psalm 10:1-18. In difficult circumstances, the devil deceives you that your God is not interested in you and is far from you. (v.1). Do not swallow the bait, the Lord is always near you, just obey and trust Him! Meditate on verse 17. How are you going to apply it to your life? Father, in[…]

Text: Psalm 9:1-20. The Lord rebuked and continues to rebuke nations for the evils they commit. He is able to do it because He created them. Unless they repent, they will be destroyed forever (v.5). Meditate on verse 11. How are you going to apply it to your life and family? My heavenly father, in the[…]

Text: Psalm 8:1-9. The psalm concentrates on the glory and greatness of God. David goes ahead to extol the goodness of God using the weakest of children (v.2) to serve His purposes and for creating heavenly bodies as they serve man (vv. 3-4). For man to have dominion over other creatures, yet little lower than the angels (vv. 5-8).[…]

Text: Exodus 20:1-26. It is important to note that the children of Israel had come from Egypt, a country where Egyptians worshiped many idols as gods, and each god had its area of jurisdiction. Therefore they needed to be reminded outright that there is only One True God. This is the reason that this commandment is number one on the[…]

Text: Exodus 19:1-25. God had promised Moses that when they come out of Egypt they would serve Him on this mountain (3:12). And God promised them they will be a treasured nation above all other nations on the condition that they obeyed His law and kept His covenant! (v.5). You will become a special child of God only if you[…]