Sermons (10)

Evening Devotion :: Sunday, 30th June 2024 :: A PEOPLE FREED FROM SIN, ENSLAVED TO GOD :: Mr. Frobisher Katuula
Romans 6:20-22
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Preached by Mr. Paul Frobisha on 30th June 2024 (Evening Teaching).
Evening Teaching :: Sun. 14th Jan. 2024 :: WAITING ON GOD FOR DIVINE PROVISION :: Mr. Paul Frobisher Katuula
Psalm 104:24-30
CLICK HERE to play or download
Preached by Mr. Paul Frobisha on 14th January 2024 (Evening Teaching).
Evening Prayer Time :: Sat. 21st Oct. 2023 :: THE VOICE OF GOD: THE VOICE OF LOVE :: Mr. Paul Frobisha Katuula
Jeremiah 31:1-3
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Preached by Mr. Paul Frobisha on 21st October 2023 (Evening Teaching).
Lunch Hour :: 5th September 2022 :: BREAKING FRIENDSHIP WITH THE WORLD :: Mr Frobisha Katuula
James 4:4
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Preached by Mr. Paul Frobisha on 5th September 2022 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Men's Prayer Conference 2022 :: 5th August 2022 :: Lunch Hour :: LOOSED TO BE SET APART :: Mr. Paul Frobisha Katuula
2 Corinthians 6:16-18
CLICK HERE to play or download
Preached by Mr. Paul Frobisha on 5th August 2022 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
8th March 2022 :: THE LORD AS JEHOVAH-ROHI :: Paul Frobisha
Psalm 23:1-6
CLICK HERE to play or download the Sermon :: CLICK HERE to play or download the Prayer Response
Preached by Mr. Paul Frobisha on 8th March 2022 (Morning Glory Service).
7th January 2022_RESTORED TO EXERCISE FAITH_Frobisha Paul
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Preached by Mr. Paul Frobisha on 7th January 2022 (Evening Teaching).
17th January 2020_DEALING WITH FEAR IN OUR LIVES_Mr. Frobisha Katula
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Preached by Mr. Paul Frobisha on 17th January 2020 (Evening Teaching).
23rd January 2019_BY FAITH MOSES... _Mr. Paul Frobisha
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Preached by Mr. Paul Frobisha on 23rd January 2019 (Mid-Week Service).
3rd January 2019_GATHER THE CHILDREN_Paul Frobisha
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Preached by Mr. Paul Frobisha on 3rd January 2019 (Prayer Month Teachings).