Text: 1 Peter 3:1-22 Today’s passage is a summary of the Spirit and godly fruits of living out our faith in all areas of our lives. It spells out general principles to apply in different life situations (vv. 8-11) and the glorious results of trusting and obeying God even when believers find themselves on the[…]
Text: 1 Peter 2: 1-25 In this passage, we see another practical exhortation to spiritual growth. In verse 1, Peter begins by giving us a list of sins to be mortified. Note the attention that Peter attaches to this representative list of those sins most antithetical to the holy love enjoined in chapter 1: 13-25,[…]
Tex: 1 Peter1: 1- 25 In today’s portion of Scripture, Peter begins by reminding believers in Christ of their position and by describing the spiritual blessings it bestows upon them: multiplied grace and peace (v.2), a living hope (v.3), a lasting inheritance (vv. 4-5) and a joyful spirit (vv. 6-9). He then brings out helpful[…]
Text: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18 Paul is commanding the Christians in Thessalonica especially those lazy and disorderly ones that if they do not work then they should not eat (v.10). At the same time Paul is encouraging the working believers not to grow weary in the process of helping the poor in their community. This came[…]
Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 Paul is encouraging the brethren to stand fast and hold the tradition which they were taught, whether by word or the Epistle (v.15). As a Christian it is important to note that in the environment where there is agitation, one should pray for strength and develop a firm stand. In an[…]
Text: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 Paul had a prayerful life as exemplified four times in this Epistle (v.12; 2:16; 3:1-5, 16). He prays for the Christians that God would count them worthy of His calling. That their behavior would be consistent with their identity in Christ. This prayer applies to us today, our lives should manifest[…]
Text: Isaiah 47:1-15 In the chapter, we see prophet Isaiah prophesying the fall of Babylon (vv.1-3). This was more than one hundred fifty years before it fell. At the time of this prophecy Babylon was not yet the world’s greatest force. Time came when Babylon became so powerful, full of pride and it destroyed Judah[…]
Text: Isaiah 46:1-13 Bel and Nebo were the most prominent gods of Babylon. Bel is another name for Baal. Nebo was extensively worshipped to the extent that it was attached to most names, for example, Nebuchadnezzar, Nabopolassar and Nebuzaradan. These gods were idols and therefore useless as they themselves could not save themselves or the[…]
Text: Isaiah 45:1-25 In the previous chapter we see Cyrus being nominated as God’s shepherd, in the sense prefiguring the Greater Redeemer. In this chapter, we see great things that God is going to do for Cyrus in order to release God’s people (vv.1-4). God would prove Himself (vv. 5-7); a prayer to quicken God’s[…]
In lent we come before the Lord not as a routine but with a sense of developing a lifestyle that will glorify God forever. Lent is a season of transformation. I do hope that all of us are meditatively thinking about our individual return policies (Joel 2:12-13). Today we reflect on Jesus’ sermon on the[…]