Happy Easter, ACP Team is grateful for all your contributions to the project. We encourage you to continue to: Pray, Participate,Provide and (mobilise) Partners for this great work as you honour God. A. Financial Status: ACP Summary of collections for April 2019 A) Financial Status – Phase II Project cost: Ugx. 7,123,484,957 Less Payments to[…]
Easter greetings in the name of the risen Lord. In Colossians 3:1-4, Paul reminds the community of faith about their place in the resurrected Lord. Jesus is the resurrection and the life and so we have to set our hearts on him alone because he is the starting and end point of our existence. Hiding[…]
“Watch out for the Cheering Crowds who may be positioned behind and in front of your Ministry” [Rev. Captain David Serunjoji] Last Sunday 14th April 2019, The Assistant Provost, Rev. Captain David Serunjoji Cautioned ASCK Congregants in the three Services to watch out for the cheering crowds who may be positioned behind and in front[…]
Text: Joshua 20:1-9 (cf. Num.35:9) In those ancient days, if someone was killed, a person from the dead person’s family could kill the murderer, even if the death was an accident. Cain feared that (Gen.4:15). Obviously, those kinds of killings could go back and forth forever. God put an end to that horrible, foolish custom[…]
Text: Joshua 17-19 (three chapters) Most people reading these three chapters would be very bored, just a list of boundary lines and who gets which territory. It’s almost like reading a genealogy, just one name after another. But this is real history. If you were an Israelite, these chapters would be exciting. Here is where[…]
Text: Joshua 16:1-10 The people of Israel were to destroy all the nations, cities, and people dwelling in Canaan. However, that was not done all at once, and it was not always because of their sin. God had reasons for having some enemies remain. Israel was not yet large enough to occupy the entire land[…]
Text: Joshua 15:1-63 In this chapter we read of the territory being given to the tribe of Judah. Again, we read about Caleb. As he is taking his God-given land, he comes upon the city of Kiriath-sepher. At that place he makes an offer to his soldiers: to any man who captures the city, he[…]
Text: Joshua 14:1-15 Caleb was one of the 12 men who entered Canaan to spy the land. He and Joshua trusted in Yahweh’s promise to give the land to Israel. Now, 45 years later, he requests from Joshua a certain territory be allotted to him, a land occupied by large people and strong cities, the[…]
Text: Joshua 12:1-24 Chapter 12 is a review of the victories already won by Israel, always by the grace and power of God. Verses 1-6 recall the victories gained under the leadership of Moses against the kings on the east side of River Jordan, and the rest of the chapter lists the victories under Joshua.[…]
Text: Joshua 11:1-23 When the armies of northern Canaan come together against Israel, they were as many as the sands of the seashore, and with great weapons (v4). But Yahweh tells Joshua not to be afraid, because He (God) would give them victory. All battles belong to Yahweh (1 Samuel 17:47). It often appears that[…]