May the LORD’s name be praised! The previous Sunday ASC hosted Mr. Peter Mukhama the General Secretary of Bible society of Uganda who preached to the three [3] congregations on the Topic:“Working alongside our heavenly Father.” He first and foremost appreciated ASC family and the Church of Uganda as whole for their tremendous contribution towards[…]

A.C.P Updates (Sunday 5th May 2019)

Today is ACP Sunday, ACP Team is grateful for all your contributions to the project. We encourage you to continue to: Pray, Participate,Provide and (mobilise) Partners for this great work as you honour God. A. Financial Status: ACP Summary of collections for April 2019 A) Financial Status – Phase II Project cost: UGX 7,123,484,957 Less[…]

Text: Psalm 103:1-22 While in Psalm 102 we see the Psalmist lament over his personal needs and those of his nation, in Psalm 103, King David is pouring out his gratitude to God for the blessings upon him as a person and on the people he was leading. We see David praising God for personal[…]

Psalm 102:1-28 This is a Psalm of somebody in distress, some people think that this Psalm was written during the time of David’s son (Absalom) rebellion, others think that may be Daniel, Nehemiah or any other prophet could have written it during the period of captivity in Babylon. However, according to verses 25-26 and Heb.[…]

Text: Psalm 101:1-8 This Psalm was written by David as a solemn vow to the Lord when he was put in charge of the family and the kingdom. It is a Psalm modeling excellent leadership and governance. One can also say that it is a head of family’s Psalm. The Psalm shows how the leader[…]

Text: Psalm 100:1-5 This is a Psalm that is frequently sung in many churches. In this Psalm we are invited to praise God and honour Him (vv. 1, 2, 4). We give reasons why we should praise Him (v. 3), we are also told of His grace and truth (v.5). God’s mercy is from everlasting[…]

Text: Psalm 99:1-9 We must praise the Lord because of His holiness (vv.3, 5, 9). In this Psalm three things are mentioned about God’s holiness; God is above all things, He is set apart and separated from His creatures for He is the Creator and He judges all things (vv.1-3). Also the holiness of God[…]

Text: Psalms 98:1-9 The “…right hand and His holy arm…” are symbols of power (v.1, NKJV). Let us shout joyfully as we cheer and greet our King, the King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ (v.4). We can “…Break forth in song…”, meaning that we can generate praise that cannot be contained only from a[…]

Text: Psalm 96: 1-13 This Psalm was sung during the moving of the Ark. It further looks into the coming of Christ’s kingdom. The Psalm celebrates the glory and accessibility of Christ’s Kingdom by the Gentiles. God’s “…wonders among all peoples” (v.3, NKJV) is the salvation work through Jesus Christ. To praise God genuinely, your[…]

Text: Psalm 95: 1-11 We need to joyfully come together to shout and sing to the Lord from the heart (v.1). We should worship God because He alone is God, Mighty and Great King. (v.3). In Him there is nothing impossible. We also need to worship God because He is our God (v. 7a). We[…]