Text: Psalm 113:1-9 Psalms 113-118 contain praises to God usually called the “Egyptian Hallel”. In Hebrew language Hallel means praise. These Psalms were mostly sung at Passover, tabernacle and Pentecost. They had greatest meaning at Passover as the children of Israel remembered their rescue from Egypt (Exod. 12-14). It was a custom to sing Psalms[…]

Text: Psalm 109:1-31 This is a Psalm of David and it is composed of two kinds of prayers: prayers wishing evil people to be destroyed (vv. 1-20) and prayers appealing for God’s justice to prevail (vv. 21-31). However, it should be noted that as a Christian you should not pray for destruction of your enemies[…]

Text: Psalm 108:1-13 This is a psalm of David, and it is interesting to note that Psalm 108: 1-5 is more less similar to Psalm 57:7-11 and Psalm 108:6-13 similar to 5-12. The two Psalms (57:7-11 and 60: 5-12) are combined together for mainly two reasons; to show the glory of God (vv. 1-5; 57:7-10)[…]

Text: Psalm 107: 1-43 You may have trouble and be in distress but the Lord promises to deliver you (vv. 4-6). He did it in the past and He continues to do it today and in the future. Let us be wise and observe the wonders of God (v. 43). Acknowledge that you have sinned[…]

ACP Updates (Sunday 12th May 2019)

ACP Team is grateful for all your contributions to the project. We encourage you to continue to: Pray, Participate, Provide and (mobilise) Partners for this great work as you honour God. A. Financial Status: ACP Summary of collections for April and Week 1 of May 2019 A) Financial Status – Phase II Project cost: UGX[…]

John Calvin said that “our heart is an idol factory”. Despite the presence of a savior in the midst of us, idols still manifest easily and take long to go. Idolatry is the most common sin in scripture that caused pain and suffering among the Israelites. Idolatry raises itself against the will of God and[…]

Home Page (Sunday 12th May 2019)

Christian greetings friends, Last Sunday Rev. Francis Osire preached to the three ASCK congregations about the Reality of Addictions drawing references from Proverbs 23:29-35 & Romans 7:21-25. He referred to the term addiction as the following; depress literally or figuratively, abase self, self affliction by mistake, deal hardly with, defile self, self hurt/ ravish, submit[…]

Text: Psalm 106:1-48 This is yet another long Psalm, while in Psalm 105, we saw God’s goodness to His children, Israelites, in this Psalm we see the history and the accounts of rebellion and Israel’s provocation of God. Nevertheless the Psalm begins and ends in praising the Lord. Despite the rebellious spirit in the children[…]

Text: Psalm 105:1-45 This is a long Psalm of praise to God for what He has done especially for His children, the Israelites. It is also important to note that this Psalm does not mention any of the weaknesses and failures of God’s children, Israel. The Psalm mentions God’s faithfulness through His power and loving[…]


Addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance (e.g., alcohol, cocaine, nicotine) that creates pleasure but continuous use becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work, relationships, or health. Addiction is a complicated disease involving an inability to stop taking a substance or carrying out a particularly damaging[…]