Praise the Lord! Last Sunday Mr. Dan Magumba preached on the topic: Giving as Mission from 2 Cor. 9:1-10 and Mark 12:41-44. Dan. defined Giving as to put something into the possession of someone else, to offer to somebody, to donate, to bestow something to somebody and also referred to Mission as a task/job /an[…]

Living at the altar (Roman 12:1)

Today marks the beginning of the Alabaster Conference. This is a time where women offer themselves to the Lord for who they are seeking mercy and acceptance despite the brokenness in both the physical and spiritual. The topic “living at the altar” refers to a constant dedication of the living as opposed to what was[…]

Text: Psalm 124:1-8 Four times in the Psalm, our God is called “the Lord”, which is translated from the word ‘Yahweh’. Yahweh is the special name known by God’s people that He is their Covenant-keeping God. Here in an amazing miraculous rescue, Yahweh keeps His covenant and protects His people in a way that made[…]

Text: Psalm 123:1-4 Do you have enemies? Of course you do! The World, the Flesh, and Satan! Whenever you stand up, in faith, to promote the Gospel and what it requires of us, there will always be someone who hates you for it. Our task is to maintain our faith and our mature perspective; for[…]

Text: Psalm 122:1-9 Now that we have climbed the hill of Jerusalem, let us enter into its Peace! Our faith in Christ gives us the full privileges of being citizens of heaven, which is called in Hebrews 12:22-24, the “New Jerusalem”. For now, the present reality of that future heavenly city is the Church. This[…]

Text: Psalm 121:1-8 One of the best reasons for trusting in Christ is his constant presence with us. We present ourselves in worship because we are always in need of his protection and guidance in every step, both spiritually and physically. When people were travelling to Jerusalem, they were going up in altitude as they[…]

Text: Psalm 120:1-7 This is the first of fifteen Psalms that were sung on the way to worship. Now if you are an experienced Christian, you have had days when it is very hard to focus in the course of worship! It is a painful discouragement when the people who you want to enjoy worship[…]

Text: Psalm 119:137-176 Pursuing the Righteous Word (Psalm 119:137-152). God will always use His law in a way that is just and honourable. His own Words reflect this righteousness. We may get tired of demanding for what is right, and yet not seeing or experiencing it; but with spiritual experience we begin to see God’s[…]

Text: Psalm 119:73-136 Suffering brings spiritual focus (Psalm 119:73-88). When a believer suffers, it is always for a purpose. That purpose is not just for our benefit, but also the benefit of others who watch and see what we are going through. The Psalmist desires that others might learn and be encouraged in and through[…]

Text: Ruth 4:1-22 Naomi who returned empty from Moab, preferred to be called Mara (bitter) instead of Naomi (sweet) (20-21). However, God made her full again (vv. 14-17). Ruth, once a fugitive, beggar, widow and stranger in a foreign land is given the greatest honour of being one of the ancestors of David and Jesus[…]