The tithe was an offering in the Old testament of one’s agricultural income to the Lord as an expression of thanks and dedication (Leviticus 27:30-34). It is holy and set apart as belonging to God. A tithe is a trust that establishes a relationship between the giver and God. It shows that we are good[…]
Text: Psalm 134:1-3 Worship in the ancient Temple in Jerusalem was a constant service. Here the Psalmist pilgrim arrives in the Temple at night, only to find the priests continuing to minister and facilitate worship. The Lord is always present, and He welcomes His people at any hour of the day or night. There are[…]
Text: Psalm 133:1-3 Satan’s number one goal is to divide the church. We grieve at how effective division, politics, and various other wrangles have destroyed our church fellowship. There is a sweetness and power in a loving spiritual community, for it radically changes the lives of those who experience it. Satan knows all too well[…]
Text: Psalm 131:1-3 Are you the kind of person that simply must know everything in detail? Do you hate mystery? As we grow in Christ, we learn that there are so many things that are not in our control, and were never meant to be. The Holy Spirit works faith in us, so that we[…]
Text: Psalm 130:1-8 The world seems to be absolutely covered in hate in our age. Social Media is actually not very social; in actuality, it is majorly hateful and anti- social. By contrast, blessed be the name of the Lord; for He shows mercy, and forgives sins. You may be “unfriended” by someone; but in[…]
Text: Psalm 129:1-8 We are promised that if you are faithful to Christ, you will suffer persecution. Not an attractive way to promote the Gospel, is it? But the way of the Cross may indeed have dark days ahead planned for you. When those days come, you must remind yourself of the truth that “God[…]
Text: Psalm 127-128 Almost everyone works hard for a successful family future. But we all get tired, and we wonder when the Lord will bless us. But in His perfect timing, He builds families and the houses that they live in. Should we work hard and plan? Yes! But overwork, worry, and fear are wrong[…]
Text: Psalm 126:1-6 Count your blessings, when the going is tough! The Psalmist here is remembering God’s goodness when life is hard. The best spiritual lessons are learned when one finds himself in a spiritually dry place. Tears of repentance and weeping, seeking God’s face in the quest for holiness, will eventually yield fruit. Laughter[…]
Text: Psalm 125:1-5 One of the best reasons to be spending time in God’s Word each day is that it prepares you for trials. It is easy to serve God when there is little pressure to do the right thing. But in this corrupt world, with its daily challenges, the pressure to compromise is tremendous.[…]
ACP Team is grateful for all your contributions to the project. We encourage you to continue to: Pray, Participate, Provide and (mobilise) Partners for this great work as you honour God. A. Financial Status: ACP Summary of collections for July and August 2019 A) Financial Status – Phase II Project cost: UGX 7,123,484,957 Less Payments[…]