Text: 2 Chronicles 7:1-14 After King Solomon finished his prayer (chapter 6), Yahweh sent fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice, His glory filled the Temple, and the people saw it. By doing this He showed He was pleased. He let them know that He was their God and they were His people – Emmanuel.[…]

Text: 2 Chronicles 6:1-42 When the Temple was finally built, it was not like any other building used for ordinary business. There was no other place like it on earth. Therefore, Solomon and the people dedicated it, which means it was devoted to a very particular purpose. The only thing to be done in this[…]

The African Exodus will be marked by a return with plunder. This will be a time for repatriation of both human and material resources. Africa’s plundering has gone on for so long; for years, resources have been taken from Africa to Asia, Europe and America, depleting both our natural and human resources. Meanwhile though Africa[…]

2 Chronicles 5:1-14 The final piece of furniture for the Temple, located in the innermost part of the Temple, is the Ark, which symbolized God’s throne. It was a box that contained the Ten Commandments. The box was then covered by a lid called the mercy seat. The blood of the sacrificed animal is sprinkled[…]

Text: 2 Chronicles 4:1-22 When a person enters the temple the first piece of “furniture” is the altar (v1). The animal which will be sacrificed on the altar is slaughtered (instead of the person), the blood is drained, and then the animal is burned on the altar. Symbolically, the animal died to pay the sin-penalty[…]

Text: 2 Chronicles 3:1-17 The Temple is the symbol of God dwelling among His people, and in this chapter we read many of the details of that holy place. Verse 1 tells us that the location is on Mt. Moriah, where David sacrificed to God to stop a plague against the people because of his[…]

Text: 2 Chronicles 2:1-18 As we read about Solomon’s reign in this book, he began with worship (chapter1, offering sacrifices) and now he continues worship by building the Temple. Tens of thousands of people were conscripted in order to accomplish the task. Some gathered quarried stone, some removed trees, some were supervisors. All this effort[…]

Text: Luke 24:36-53 By Jesus telling His disciples that everything written about Him “…in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms…”( v.44, ESV), He meant the entire Old Testament was pointing to Him. For example, His role as a Prophet (Deut. 18:25-20), His sufferings (Psalm 22; Isaiah 53), His resurrection (Psalm 16:9-[…]

Text: Luke 24:1-35 When the women reached the tomb, very early in the morning, the angel told them that Jesus Christ is risen (vv.1-7). The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the major or central theme of Christian history. It is on the resurrection of Jesus Christ that the church is built, otherwise,[…]

Text: Luke 23:44-56 As Jesus was being led to be crucified, a multitude of people (including women) were mourning and lamenting for Him (v.27), but Jesus told the women to weep for themselves and their children (v.28) saying that: “For if they do these things when the wood is green, what will happen when it[…]