Text: Exodus 31:13-18Again, we read a passage about work and the Sabbath. The Sabbath was not a small issue, as we see from the penalty for dishonoring the Sabbath (v.14).It is a strict requirement because Israel was an image of the eternal Kingdom of God, where perfect righteousness reigns. The Sabbath is a sign because[…]
Exodus 31:1-12While Israel was at Mt. Sinai, God gave instructions for constructing the Tabernacle, the place of worship. Everyone is a sinner and deserves the death penalty. But God graciously provided for His people the way of deliverance – an animal would serve as a substitute, dying instead of the person. The Tabernacle was a[…]
Text: Exodus 23:1-19We do not make money because of our own strength and skills. Yahweh is the One who determines what we will have or not. He gives us skills, jobs, etc., so that we can earn an income. Everything is from God. The verse 16, instructs usabout the principle that we must give back[…]
Text: Exodus 20:1-21When the people of God were taken out of Egypt, they arrived at Mount Sinai three months later. God showed Israel grace by bringing them out, according to His promise to Abraham, made over five hundred years earlier. He broughtthem to the mountain so He could give them His law. Salvation first, then[…]
Text: Exodus 5:1-23Tyrants keep slaves in control by abuses and by beatings. The Egyptians used to supply straw for the Israelites to make bricks. They then changed their minds and forced the Israelites to collect their own straw, yet they were still required to make the same number of bricks. That was abuse of labour.[…]
Exodus 1:1-22Because of a famine, Jacob and his family left their home in Canaan and settled in Egypt. Life was good for them there, and they began to increase in number.They became so populous that the king of Egypt and his people became afraid of the Israelites. It was decided that Israelites should be forced[…]
Text: Genesis 31:1-55After Jacob deceived his brother, Esau, into giving him his (Esau’s) inheritance, he ran away because Esau threatened to kill him. Jacob went to live with his Uncle, Laban, who gave him work in an ultimate exchange for his daughter Leah (whom Jacob loved). Laban continued to cheat and deceive Jacob for twenty[…]
The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project. We continue to execute phase 3 through Transition Works in small lots, despite the continuing effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on construction andfinancial sectors. The site remains under restricted access.This year 2021, the pending interiors and Sanctuary building exteriors will[…]
This is the first Sunday after Easter. We are in the forty days of Jesus’ time on earth. He was doing business unusual, appearing through closed doors and revealing himself to his disciples with an imperishable body.The Lord still surprises us by revealing himself to us in different ways. Some of us interface with Jesus[…]
Text: Genesis 4:11-26In this chapter, we read of Cain killing his younger brother, Abel. Abel’s offering to Yahweh was accepted; but Cain’s offering was rejected (vv.4-5). So out of jealousy and anger, Cain killed Abel. The punishment Cain received was in twoparts: 1). the ground would no longer produce for him; and 2). he would[…]