Text: Acts 20:17-38The Bible teaches us to work hard in order to bless those that are weak(v.35). Many people work hard and accumulate wealth for themselves. This is selfishness; you need to help the poor in your community. This does not teach that one becomes lazy and be fed by others, they should instead exercise[…]

Text: Acts 13: 1-12The missionary work of Barnabas and Paul was ordained by God (vv. 2-3).So, has God called you to the field you are in, or are you there on your own?Sometimes personal talents and gifting can deceive us. Do not force things out, even in marriage, do not let your eyes or your[…]

Text: Acts 1:12-26Do not rely on your own strength or wisdom as you execute your decisions; instead, let the Spirit of God guide you (v.24). Without God’s guidance, your hand of fresh is weak, but with the Spirit of God you will execute your plans appropriately according to the Will of God. When you pray[…]

Text: John 6:22-34Many people had followed Jesus Christ not because they had faith in Him asthe Messiah but because of the food He had given them (v.26). Jesus Christtells them not to labour for food that perishes but for food that Jesus Christgives which leads to eternal life (v.27). So where do you spend your[…]

Text: John 5:1-18This passage is extremely important for understanding who Jesus is. Thereligious authorities thought Jesus was not from God because He was working on the Sabbath (John 9:16). Their understanding of the day was that only things for God could be done, and man’s concerns must wait. True, we must not pursue personal interests[…]

Text: John 4:27-45 As you, work, endeavor to fulfill the will of God (v.34). How do you know the will of God? You know the will of God through the reading and studying of His Word. It is important that you apply the very Word in your life! For example, you need to aim at[…]

Text: Luke 10: 1-13Jesus Christ told His disciples to graciously accept hospitality accorded tothem (v.7). Part of your work, as worship to God, is to support the ministersof the Word. You have the responsibility to care for their welfare. Contribute to facilitate an adequate salary, support them emotionally by thanking them from time to time.[…]

Text: Matthew 21:1-32This passage is a parable. A parable tells a story about something we understand in order to teach us something we need to learn. The religious authorities in Jesus’s day were not pleased that He spent so much time with the people they thought were bad and ungodly. So, Jesus told this parable[…]

Text: Matthew 11:1-30In this brief passage Jesus speaks to His disciples about salvation. Because they are Jews, they naturally will have the wrong idea that most Jews have, which is that the many laws given through Moses must be obeyed in order for a person to have eternal life. Of course, God’s laws must be[…]

Text: Matthew 7:12-29False prophets were common in Jesus Christ’s time as they are today. Remember the office of prophets and apostles is closed. Today, God speaks to us through His Word. The false prophets would speak what people wanted to hear, claiming it was God’s Word. Today false prophets say what many want to hear,[…]