Text: Luke 14:1-35. Jesus was invited by a Pharisee leader with the sole intention of looking for a reason to arrest Him (verse 1). That is why they watched Him closely looking out for any infraction of the law and indeed He went ahead and healed on Sabbath, setting a stage that it is important to do acts[…]
Text: Luke 13:1-35. Jesus told his listeners that unless they repent they too would perish. What is repentance? Repentance is turning from sin and coming to Jesus for salvation. In repentance a sinner feels sorrow, which is prompted by the Holy Spirit over his sin. Repentance will occur only when this is genuine sorrow over one’s sins. It is[…]
Text: 2 Corinthians 13:1-14. We can be complete, of good comfort, of one mind, live in place and fellowship with God only in Christ (V.11). We can fellowship with God in righteousness, not of our own but of Jesus Christ as it is imputed to us! Meditate on Verse 11. How are you going to apply it to[…]
Text: 2 Corinthians 12: 1-21. Different people speak of heavens and make them look complicated. But what are they? The first heaven is the earth’s atmosphere [Gen. 8:2; Deut. 11:11]; the second heaven is the interplanetary and interstellar space [Gen. 15:5; Psalm 8:3; Is. 13:10] and third heaven is the abode of God [1Kin. 8:30]; 2Chr. 30:27; Ps 123:1] The[…]
Text; 2 Corinthians 11:1-33. Paul is encouraging the Christians in the church at Corinth to follow simple Christian basics as they follow Jesus Christ [v. 3]. Today many Christians have been deceived and abandoned this simple devotion to Christ. Many have followed sophisticated errors of false teachers. Be sure that in Christ alone, if you are saved, then you[…]
Text: 2 Corinthians 10:1-18. You should never fight spiritual battles as you win people’s souls using the flesh, for example, through worldly wisdom, clever methodologies or using human ingenuity. Such weapons are weak to fight forces of darkness. They cannot fight Satan’s deceitfulness [v.3]. Walk in the flesh but do not fight according to the flesh [v.3] Meditate on verse[…]
Text 2 Corinthians 9: 1-15. God is the best giver as He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ [v.15] so that those who believe in Him should have eternal life [Rom. 8:32]. God gives eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ. We receive this eternal life through faith by God’s grace. Meditate on verse 15. How are you going[…]
Text: 2 Corinthians 8:1-24. Jesus Christ, the eternal God and second person in the Trinity who owns everything and possesses all authority, power, honour, glory, sovereignty and majesty humbled Himself and became poor for our sake. He took up human form and died on the cross as a criminal so that we become spiritually rich [v.9]. A Christian is[…]
Text: 2 Corinthians 7:1-16. Godly sorrow is that according to God’s will. Such sorrow from the Holy Spirit will bring repentance, not mere lamentations [v.10]. A repentant heart is proof of one’s salvation. Note that an unbeliever repents at the point of salvation and, a believer repents of his sins continually to keep the joy of salvation and be in[…]
Text: 2 Corinthians 6:1-18. As a Christian you are discouraged from yoking with non believers in both spiritual and relational sense because such union will undermine your testimony especially within the body of Christ [vv 14-16]. However, this does not mean that you isolate yourself from none Christians because the reason you are on earth is to preach to the[…]