Text: Psalm 90:1-17 In this Psalm, Moses is praying for God to have mercy on frail human beings occupying this sinful universe. Moses maintains that God is eternal (v.2). Moses most likely wrote this Psalm when the older generation of the Israelites who had left Egypt was dying off in the wilderness (Numbers 14). Despite[…]
Text: Psalm 89: 1-52 In the first thirty seven (37) verses of this Psalm, the Psalmist rehearses the accurate theology; that God sovereignly picked Israel to be His nation and for the descendants of David to rule. In the remaining verses of the Psalm the writer laments the destruction of the nation. This compels the[…]
Text: Psalm 88:1-18 This is a unique lamenting Psalm as it ends on unhappy note. The Psalmist complains that God was not hearing his prayers for healing. He does not know the cause of God’s anger towards him and he does not know the ways of God. Unfortunately he does not turn to God as[…]
Phase 2 works are progressing within the overall revised schedule. ACP Team extends their gratitude and blessings for all your contributions throughout the year. We appeal to you to remain prayerful for the project and to choose to consistently give as you honour God. A. Financial Status: ACP Summary of collections for February 2019 A)[…]
“God is sovereign and that He loves and cares for people even when the events of life don’t seem to make sense.” Revd. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye Praise the Lord! The Revd. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye shared with the Cathedral Congregations on the Topic ‘Unlimited by Circumstances’ and reflecting on a Story of a young[…]
Many of us have a background of resistance which if not broken we can never inherit everlasting life or be zealous for Christ. Stephen made this very clear to the Sanhedrin “you stiff necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised.” Circumcision was a great heritage of the Jews yet it created resistance for[…]
Text: Psalm 87:1-7 In this Psalm the sons of Korah explain God’s love for Jerusalem and exalts it as the centre of global worship in the Messianic Kingdom which is to be established during Jesus’ Second coming. Then every nation will worship Jesus Christ and Israel will be a favoured nation. The city of God[…]
Text: Psalm 86:1-17 This is a Psalm of David’s lament. He was under distress which he overcame through praise and worship. King David, with all the resources at his disposal, admits that he is indeed poor and needy (v. 1). Here he admits that he is poor and needy in holiness and righteousness. It takes[…]
Text: Psalm 85: 1-13 In this Psalm, the sons of Korah anticipate that God will show His grace and covenant love once more for His children – the Israelites. The Psalmist, the sons of Korah, maintain that God who was merciful in the past, though angry at that moment, will forgive and restore His children[…]
Text: Psalm 84:1-12 This is a Psalm of ascent (other Psalms of ascent are: 120-134). These are Psalms that were sung as the pilgrims travelled up to Jerusalem to celebrate one of the feasts in the Temple. It was a joyous moment as a pilgrim anticipated coming into the presence of God. The Old Testament[…]