ACP Updates (Sunday 10th March 2019)

ACP Team is grateful for all your contributions to the project. Please continue praying and giving to the project as you honour God. A) Financial Status: ACP Summary of collections for February & March 2019 A) Financial Status – Phase II Project cost: UGX 7,123,484,957 Less Payments to to date: UGX 3,634,357,692 Amount to be[…]

Praise the Lord indeed! The process and skill(s) in ‘Managing challenges in raising godly Children’ involves ALL people that surround them inclusive majorly Parents, Guardians, Relatives and Siblings to mention a few. In her Homily to the Cathedral Congregations on 3 rd March 2019, Rev Betty Mwandha pointed out that we are all God’s Children[…]

Text: Isaiah 44:1-28 In this chapter we see God, through Isaiah, affirming great blessings upon His children when they return from captivity and much more in the Messianic rule (vv. 1-8). We also learn the foolishness and danger of worshipping idols. (vv. 9-20). We also see God confirming His blessings to His people (vv.21-28). The[…]

Text: Isaiah 43:1-28 The content of this chapter is more less the same as that of the previous chapter. In here we once again see God’s precious promises to His chosen nation, His presence and support for them and indeed their deliverance (vv. 1-7). In this particular portion God gives grounds for His care to[…]

Text: Isaiah 42:1-25 In this chapter we see Jesus Christ first coming (Matt. 12:18-20). The personal servant (My Servant) denotes the Messiah (the Anointed One or Christ) whom God chose from eternity (Luke 9:35; 1Peter 1:20; Rev 13:8). This was because the Lord delights in Him. He will rule with justice and His millennial Kingdom[…]

Text: Isaiah 42:1-25 In this chapter we see Jesus Christ first coming (Matt. 12:18-20). The personal servant (My Servant) denotes the Messiah (the Anointed One or Christ) whom God chose from eternity (Luke 9:35; 1Peter 1:20; Rev 13:8). This was because the Lord delights in Him. He will rule with justice and His millennial Kingdom[…]

Text: Isaiah 41:1-29 God promises the children of Israel not to fear destructive judgment because He is their God and is faithful to His promises. This is in contrast to other nations (v.10) that bear enmity towards Israel, they will be weakened and made to disappear, while God strengthens His children (vv.11-13). In this message,[…]

Text: Isaiah 41:1-29 God promises the children of Israel not to fear destructive judgment because He is their God and is faithful to His promises. This is in contrast to other nations (v.10) that bear enmity towards Israel, they will be weakened and made to disappear, while God strengthens His children (vv.11-13). In this message,[…]

Text: Isaiah 40:1-31 Prophet Isaiah is calling on the people to prepare their ways straight. You prepare your way straight through repentance of sin and having confidence and trust in the Word of God. (vv. 3-5). The Israelites are being promised that the difficulties they are facing in captivity will be removed on their return.[…]

Text: Isaiah 40:1-31 Prophet Isaiah is calling on the people to prepare their ways straight. You prepare your way straight through repentance of sin and having confidence and trust in the Word of God. (vv. 3-5). The Israelites are being promised that the difficulties they are facing in captivity will be removed on their return.[…]