The triumphal entry into Jerusalem was and is a celebrated event in all Christian churches across the world. The challenge is whether the celebrants understand the significance or not. Many Jews celebrated this day as Jesus entered Jerusalem but with the misunderstanding of his kingship. The message of Zach. 9:13 which is also reflected in Matthew 21:5 reveal that indeed Christ had come to be the King and to introduce a kingdom that will never end.
The spreading of cloaks, branches and leaves for Jesus was symbolic of the ancient custom where people threw down their garments to make a carpet for the royal procession. Palm branches were an ancient symbol of victory.
During the Maccabean revolt, the Jews minted coins with the image of a palm, emblematic of their victory over the Greeks. Today we recognize Christ’s sovereignty by laying our hearts before him, throwing down our wills in absolute surrender, and asking Jesus to govern everything we think and say and do. We join in a loud ancient hymn singing; All glory, laud and honour to thee redeemer, king.
Three aspects of this king are worth reflecting on today according to Zechariah;
Today as we celebrate the King of Kings, be careful not to be among the cheering crowd that shouted Hosanna without the clear knowledge of the king. He invites you to open your heart that he may dine with you. You
can begin to live triumphantly while here on earth. May God bless you.
The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenyenye
Ag. Provost