Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Margret Nyegenye

Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Margret Nyegenye

Greetings to you all in the mighty name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We thank God for the 40 days of prayer and fasting which we believe has broken barriers in both the physical and spiritual realm and opened new gates of  life and prosperity in our lives and the city. I do believe that some of us could be going through unavoidable circumstances, trials, pain and we are wondering whether we can ever have a break through or not. God is reminding us today that our difficult situations cannot block God’s agenda for our lives. I wish to draw our attention to a small young girl who by the grace of God transitioned into a queen irrespective of her background.

Esther was an orphan, young, a foreigner and a woman. These qualities are not so popular and hence can limit one’s progress. Esther was not limited but was able to thrive amidst these tough circumstances. God raised Mordecai who adopted Esther, nurtured and loved her as his own daughter in the fear of the Lord. God’s favor accompanied Esther to the King’s palace but was prohibited from revealing her identity until the right time. She was not an ordinary Queen; her office was redemptive in nature.

The secret of Esther’s success was the fear of the Lord. She purposed to win the heart of the king through prayer and fasting. She never trusted in her ability as a queen but in the God who ascended her into that position. She exhibited the qualities of men and women who fear the Lord like in Psalm 24:2-5. She was a woman of clean hands, pure heart, not an idolater and not deceitful. Due to her commitment to God she conquered her enemies and assumed full control of the palace.

Mordecai possess a challenge of parenting. Children will always emulate what the parents do. Esther would not have fasted if she did not copy it from her uncle. To all parents, our children can thrive to greater heights if we trust God
for them and invest ourselves in them in a godly way. Mordecai instilled in Esther a character that could not be taken away nor be prevailed over by tough circumstances.

God is calling you to be a Mordecai that can hold Esther’s hand to reach her potential. Our location as a church in the city centre, your job in that office, the finances that God has given you, the good counsel and any other gift that God has given you can make you to be a channel of blessings to someone today.
Mordecai did not have much, but offered himself to be a father to the fatherless.

It was not only Esther who was blessed but Mordecai’s life was transformed to the place of honour. Do not hold your blessing; hold someone’s hand today and you will be immensely blessed.

Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye

