The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye ( PROVOST)
The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye | PROVOST

The prayer of Jabez is said by many people and more so sang as a song. Many people probably use it to harness blessings from the Lord but without considering who Jabez was. Jabez means pain and sorrow (1Chron 4:9). The New International Encyclopedia of bible characters’ mentions that “he seems to have lived in dread that his name would be prophetic, so he prayed about it and God granted his request”. It is further noted that “he discovered that ordinary, personal everyday life needs can be brought to God: he cried out and God granted his request.”

Irrespective of the circumstances that surrounded his name and life, he diligently studied and obeyed the law and prayerfully trusted God to direct his life and because of his commitment the city where the scribes lived was named after him. His legacy was celebrated for many years because of the many disciples he left behind. Jabez was keen in following Old Testament rules on how to approach God, offer sacrifice, make confession and give thanks to God.

John Piper says “lay hold on God for some great biblical vision for your life on this earth and don’t let go until you have it from his merciful hand.” To pray the Jabez prayer is to completely submit to God. It is clear that Jabez was not using prayer as a formula to get something from God; rather he was calling upon God to help him accomplish His promises.

Jabez prayed that God would bless him, He would enlarge his territory, that God’s hand might be with him, and finally that God would keep him from evil. Enlarging our territory for Jabez was a matter of the heart not materialism as many of us think. It is noted that the territory of his heart expanded and overflowed to those around him. Matthew Henry writes to believers that our prayer should be “that God would enlarge our hearts. He asked for God’s protection from all evils that he had experienced that caused him pain and sorrow. He trusted God so much to change and transform his past.” He knew that only God could understand his past and bless him without adding sorrow. Once again John Piper said “God is a God of the whole earth and all the nations and all of history, life, culture and the all the universe from one end of the galaxies to the other. Each was created to have a significant place in the great scheme…” there is always hope for the righteous who seek the Lord continually.

The prayer reminds us to Praise God for who he is, not to be crippled by history because when we give ourselves to the Lord he shifts us to another category. We are also reminded that as intercessors we do not need to be selfish and inward looking but to ask God to widen our hearts to bless others. Let’s understand that in all that we do we are compelled by the love of God (2 Cor. 5:14-15) to be a blessing and in turn the Lord will bless us abundantly. There is great reward for those who live righteously before God. May God bless you

The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye

