The Very Rev Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye Provost.
Jesus was criticized for welcoming sinners and eating with them. In response, Jesus tells three parables of the joy of finding the lost: a shepherd finds his sheep, a woman finds her coin. Today we look at the longest and most famous of the parables: The Parable of the Prodigal Son, or the Lost Son (Luke 15:11-31). Look at verses 11-12. “There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So, he divided his property between them.” The younger son did not want to wait, so he took
his share and wasted it. His life took a drastic turn for the worse. His well ran dry. To make things worse, a severe famine hit the country.
It’s a sad truth, but many people have to experience sorrow to have a positive change of life. When things are going well, people usually don’t. So, with heavy feet, he started on his journey home. “But while was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his
son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.”
What? Who would’ve thought that the father would do this? The father was waiting, longing each day. The older brother did not think it was awesome. Rather, he became angry and refused to join the celebration. So, his father went out and pleaded with him: Again, any normal father would likely do something different than be so patient, understanding and kind to just a child. So, the parable is not just about throwing a party for a runaway child who comes back home. It’s also about the older brother who should be happy that his long-lost brother has come home.
How about you? Where do you find yourself in the parable? Are you like the younger son with wild and reckless tendencies or like the older son, outwardly fine but without concern for lost and needy souls?
In both cases we see God’s unlimited mercy. Because of God’s unlimited mercy there is always a new possibility for the better. The question is how bad do you want it? This morning I call on you to reach deep within, touch that place of fundamental need and cry out, “Jesus Son of David have mercy on me”. Take steps of boldness and return to the God of love limitless in mercy. Refuse anything to deter you and simply come to God.
The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye,