Provost, The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ? Once again we
thank God for yet another New Month, February 2025. we shall be looking at Experiencing God’s Goodness, through several aspects, one of them today being Love.

Love is such a great word and everyone wants to be loved. God Himself is Love and expects us to have this same attribute because it is shared. As we talk about Love we need to understand that it is that positive affection towards people in the right way.
Our interactions with people should be rich of God’s genuine love that gives glory to His name.

The Love that God has is Agape love. This is the unconditional love that is given to us from our Father in heaven. This love does not depend on what you have already done for God but it depends on Him acting good towards you and I because it is his nature.
He is not selfish in any way. It is on the basis of this Love that our salvation is obtained as embedded in our texts for today.

You and I are born again today not because we were so good but because Christ died for us on the Cross while we were still sinners. God made a provision for the gap between him and human beings to be removed by sending Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for us. What did you do for God to even continue delivering you from all the unregenerate nature. What exactly did we do to know the true God instead of idols which other nations depend on? The answer is absolutely nothing. God presented his word and set us free because of love that called you and I to welcome Christ in our lives.

We have four kinds of love but Agape is the mother that makes you apply the remaining love well. We have Filial love between brothers and sometimes general friends, we have storge love associated with people of same community or tradition. It is this love that will make you identify a fellow Ugandan in another country and just like them. We have Parental love, from parents to children, your mother or father will always feel you are their child no matter how many years old you could be. Last but not least we have Romantic love, this is between husband and wife and outside marriage
is misused in the form of infatuation and lust. So you need to love God and His people so that he can teach you to love well and deliver you from hypocrisy. It is difficult to Love other people but God’s grace is sufficient to help us in this.

May God help each one of us to receive the Love of God by accepting Christ in our hearts, so that we can give this same Godly love to the world in every aspect or sphere of influence we find ourselves. It is this love that helps us forgive, help the needy, pray for people, love christians and preach the gospel among many others.

The Very Reverend Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye,
Provost,All Saints’ Cathedral, Kampala

