The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye

The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye


The early church was started on the foundation of persecution.
After the day of Pentecost, the gospel spread like fire. Acts 2 events of fellowship and sharing were as a result of converted hearts filled with the overflow of the Holy Spirit. This new fellowship was not simply human companionship but the unique sharing of the spirit among Christians. They broke bread and drunk together remembering their salvation which was signified by the body and blood of Jesus.

The Holy Spirit has been poured in our hearts as Christians today that we can enjoy fellowship motivated by the love of Christ but also to have meaningful witness to the world around us and beyond. The devotion that is mentioned in Acts 2: 42, means to be persistent. It was to be maintained and lived out in the community. The consequence of losing out on the essence of true sharing is what we see in Acts 5 where Ananias and Sapphira failed to obey the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Some of us have not died physically but spiritually we are dead due to
There are many hindrances today that stop us from sharing genuinely or sometimes giving out only what we do not need. Some of us have high walls that stop us from welcoming others in our homes. The Jews were better wall builders than we are today yet their hearts were open.

It is wonderful to have a high wall for protection but many of us have built them around our hearts. Our hearts are so protected by the walls that we fail to allow Holy Spirit to break through them.

Recently I attended a conference and the theme was “better together” meaning that when we are doing God’s work we cannot afford to stand alone. They were explaining that in mission there is the sender who facilitates with financial resources, then the one who goes to proclaim the gospel where God has sent them, and then there are those who work on the materials that are needed to equip those who are being ministered to. And finally there are those who are constantly in prayer that hearts will be opened to receive the gospel and for the missionary to be protected in a foreign land. All these are very important for the ministry to happen.
Fellow believers, during this Cell month the Lord is calling us to care and share with others out of a heart that is broken by the Holy Spirit.

There is someone out there who cannot live a complete life because you are not caring. May God give us open hearts to share with those in need. Wonders and signs were evident, fellowship in homes and generosity opened doors for numbers to be added daily. The gospel accompanied with actions draws people closer to God. The lifestyle of the believers attracted non-believers to salvation. Are we part of the caring and sharing church?

The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye

