Text; Jeremiah 4: 17-31
In this text, the Lord has promised to destroy the land but that He will spare His obedient children (v. 27). While God’s enemies will be hiding in thickets and rocks (v. 29), His obedient children will be spared and be at peace (v. 27).
Prophet Isaiah warns us not to fear what they fear (Isaiah 8: 12). You, a child of God, live a faithful and obedient life to God and you will be more than a conqueror in Christ (Rom. 8:37).

Meditate on verse 27. What is God teaching you in this verse?

Our Lord and benevolent Father, I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, against the spirit of those in this land whose feet are swift to do evil; I pray
that You guard my testimony so that I am always with You in fellowship being filled with the knowledge of how to do good. Amen.

