Sermons (230)

3pm Service :: 18th June 2023 :: ONE AND THE SAME SPIRIT :: Praff Philip
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
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Preached by Praff Phillip on 18th June 2023 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 4th June 2023 :: THE FIVE FOLD MINISTRY :: Rev. Capt. Gideon Muhima
Ephesians 4:11-16
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Preached by Rev. Capt. Gideon Muhima on 4th June 2023 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 21st May 2023 :: GIFTS OF POWER :: Rev. Capt. Gideon Mwesigwa Muhima
Mark 6:38-44
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Preached by Rev. Capt. Gideon Muhima on 21st May 2023 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 14th May 2023 :: GIFTS OF REVELATION :: Rev. Alex Kamoga
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Preached by Rev. Alex Kamoga on 14th May 2023 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 30th April 2023 :: MYSTERY & VICTORY :: Rev. Gerald Ayebale
1 Corinthians 15:35-58
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Preached by Rev. Ayebale Gerald on 30th April 2023 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 16th April 2023 :: THE GOSPEL :: Rev. Gerald Ayebare
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
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Preached by Rev. Ayebale Gerald on 16th April 2023 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 2nd April 2023 :: PRISONERS OF HOPE :: Rev. Lovincer Katana Kanyike
Zechariah 9:9-12
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Preached by Rev. Lovincer Katana Kanyike on 2nd April 2023 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 26th March 2023 :: BE STRONG IN THE LORD :: Rev. Hillary Jaffu
Ephesians 6:10-24
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Preached by Rev. Hillary Jaffu on 26th March 2023 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 12th March 2023 :: THE TWO BECOME ONE :: Rev. Betty Mwandha
Ephesians 5:21-33
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Preached by Rev. Betty Mwandha on 12th March 2023 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 5th March 2023 :: BE IMITATORS OF GOD :: Mr. Nathan Akandonda
Ephesians 5:1-20
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Preached by Nathan Akandonda on 5th March 2023 (3pm Service).