Sermons (17)

Lunch Hour :: 9th Feb. 2023 :: PRAYER AS COMMUNION WITH GOD :: Mr. Barham Banyenzaki
Colossians 4:2
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Preached by Mr. Barham Banyenzaki on 9th February 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: 7th Feb. 2023 :: MY STORY MUST CHANGE ! :: Rev Hillary Jaffu
Luke 5:17-23
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Preached by Rev. Hillary Jaffu on 7th February 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: 6th Feb. 2023 :: AWAKE! ARM OF THE LORD! :: Ms. Diana Angwech
Isaiah 51:9
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Preached by Diana Angwech on 6th February 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: 3rd Feb. 2023 :: EXERCISING DOMINION BY THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT :: Mr. Francis Nyero
Acts 3:1-10
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Preached by Mr. Francis Nyero on 3rd February 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: 2nd Feb. 2023 :: UNDERSTANDING HOW FAITH WORKS :: Rev. Francis Osire
Matthew 17:14-20
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Preached by Rev. Francis Osire on 2nd February 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: 1st Feb. 2023 :: GOD’S PRESERVING POWER :: Mr. Francis Nyero
2 Thessalonians 1:3
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Preached by Mr. Francis Nyero on 1st February 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: 27th Jan. 2023 :: CHANGING SEASONS THROUGH PRAYER AND FASTING :: Mr Andrew Munanura Kamuteera
1 Samuel 1:1-20
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Preached by Mr. Andrew Munanura Kamuteera on 27th January 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: 26th Jan. 2023 :: OVERCOMING BY THE NAME OF JESUS :: Mr. Emmanuel Unenboth
Mark 16:14-18
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Preached by Mr. Emmanuel Onenboth on 26th January 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: 25th Jan. 2023 :: FAITH THAT RESTS IN THE POWER OF GOD :: Rev Richard Musinguzi
1 Corinthians 2:5
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Preached by Rev. Richard Musinguzi on 25th January 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: 24th Jan. 2023 :: FAR FROM OPPRESSION :: Rev. Hillary Jaffu
Isaiah 54:14
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Preached by Rev. Hillary Jaffu on 24th January 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).