Sermons (230)

3pm Service :: 9th October 2022 :: JESUS - OUR REDEEMER :: Rev. Hillary Jaffu
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Preached by Rev. Hillary Jaffu on 9th October 2022 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 2nd October 2022 :: JESUS IS THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY :: Rev. Lovincer Katana Kanyike
Hebrews 1:1-14
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Preached by Rev. Lovincer Katana Kanyike on 2nd October 2022 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 25th September 2022 :: BEING A COMMUNITY OF LOVE :: Dr. Kedrace Turyagyenda
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
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Preached by Dr. Kedrace Turyagyenda on 25th September 2022 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 18th September 2022 :: BUILDING A COMMUNITY OF FAITH :: Mr. Manzi Kagina
Hebrews 11:1-40
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Preached by Mr. Manzi Kagina on 18th September 2022 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 11th September 2022 :: PUT ON YOUR OLD SELF :: Philip Ahabwe
Ephesians 4:1-16
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Preached by Phillip Ahabwe on 11th September 2022 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 4th September 2022 :: EMBRACING THE GOSPEL :: Rev. Lovincer Katana Kanyike
Romans 1:1-17
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Preached by Rev. Lovincer Katana Kanyike on 4th September 2022 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 14th August 2022 :: RESTORATION FOR A BACKSLIDER :: Rev. Lovincer Katana Kanyike
Hosea 2:1-23
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Preached by Rev. Lovincer Katana Kanyike on 14th August 2022 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 7th August 2022 :: CHOSEN BY GRACE :: Rev. Alex Bwambale
Hosea 1:1-11
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Preached by Rev. Alex Bwambale on 7th August 2022 (3pm Service).
3pm Service :: 31st July 2022 :: IF GOD BE FOR US WHO CAN BE AGAINST US? :: Praff Philip
Romans 8:18-39
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Preached by Praff Phillip on 31st July 2022 (3pm Service).
Youth Service :: 24th July 2022 :: WATCH AND PRAY :: Rev. Canon Rebecca Nyegenye
Mark 14:32-42
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Preached by Rev.Canon.Dr.Rebecca Nyegenye on 24th July 2022 (3pm Service).