Sermons (135)

Lunch Hour :: Tuesday, 6th August 2024 :: YOUR FAITH; THE BASIS OF IMPOSSIBILITIES :: Rev. Canon Dr Rebecca Nyegenye
Mark 9:14-23
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Preached by Rev.Canon.Dr.Rebecca Nyegenye on 6th August 2024 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Evening Teaching :: Thur. 28th March 2024 :: THE AGONY OF THE KING! :: Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye
Mark 14:32-42
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Preached by Rev.Canon.Dr.Rebecca Nyegenye on 28th March 2024 (Evening Teaching).
Prayer Conference 2024 :: Morning Session - 10:30am :: Sat. 16th March 2024 :: THE HOLY SPIRIT AND LEADERSHIP :: The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye
Numbers 11:16-17
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Preached by Rev.Canon.Dr.Rebecca Nyegenye on 16th March 2024 (Prayer Conference 2022 - Mid-Morning).
Morning Session - 9am :: Wed. 13th March 2024 :: THE CARNAL MIND; ENMITY AGAINST GOD :: The Very Rev. Canon Dr Rebecca Nyegenye
Romans 8:6-8
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Preached by Rev.Canon.Dr.Rebecca Nyegenye on 13th March 2024 (Prayer Conference - Morning).
Morning Glory :: Tue. 23rd Jan. 2024 :: THE POWER OF GENUINE REPENTANCE :: Rev. Canon Dr Rebecca Nyegenye
1 Samuel 7:3-14
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Preached by Rev.Canon.Dr.Rebecca Nyegenye on 23rd January 2024 (Morning Glory Service).
Morning Devotion :: Fri. 15th Dec. 2023 :: CHRIST OUR ADVOCATE :: The Very Rev. Canon Dr Rebecca Nyegenye
1 John 2:1
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Preached by Rev.Canon.Dr.Rebecca Nyegenye on 15th December 2023 (Morning Devotion).
Morning Glory :: Tue. 17th Oct. 2023 :: GOD’S VOICE THROUGH WISE COUNSEL :: Rev. Canon Dr Rebecca Nyegenye
Exodus 18:13-27
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Preached by Rev.Canon.Dr.Rebecca Nyegenye on 17th October 2023 (Morning Glory Service).
Teens Service :: Sun. 15th Oct. 2023 :: THE TITHE AND SPIRITUAL BENEFITS :: Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye
Malachi 3:10-12
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Preached by Rev.Canon.Dr.Rebecca Nyegenye on 15th October 2023 (Teens Service).
Mid-Week Service :: 30th August 2023 :: ‘I WILL NOT GIVE MY GLORY TO ANOTHER…’ :: Rev Canon Dr Rebecca Nyegenye
Isaiah 42:8
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Preached by Rev.Canon.Dr.Rebecca Nyegenye on 30th August 2023 (Mid-Week Service).
Morning Devotion :: 7th August 2023 :: LIVING SACRIFICE :: Rev. Canon Dr Rebecca Nyegenye
Romans 12:1-2
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Preached by Rev.Canon.Dr.Rebecca Nyegenye on 7th August 2023 (Morning Devotion).