Sermons (152)

Morning Glory :: Tue. 16th Jan. 2024 :: DEALING WITH SATANIC HARASSMENT THROUGH PRAYER :: Rev Richard Musinguzi
Isaiah 37:21-38
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Preached by Rev. Richard Musinguzi on 16th January 2024 (Morning Glory Service).
Lunch Hour :: Mon. 15th Jan. 2024 :: WAITING ON GOD AMIDST WORLDLY CIRCUMSTANCES :: Mr. Emmanuel Oguti
Isaiah 8:16-22
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Preached by Emmanuel Oguti on 15th January 2024 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Morning Devotion :: Mon. 15th Jan. 2024 :: THE POWER OF WAITING ON GOD :: Mrs. Evelyne Justine Namusisi Madanda
Isaiah 58:11-15
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Preached by Evelyn Justine Madanda on 15th January 2024 (Morning Devotion).
Morning Devotion :: Thur. 21st Dec. 2023 :: GOD WITH US; TO CARRY SORROWS AND GRIEF :: Mrs Betty Galabuzi
Isaiah 53:3-4
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Preached by Mrs. Betty Galabuzi on 21st December 2023 (Morning Devotion).
Morning Glory :: Tue. 12th Dec. 2023 :: THE MESSIAH IS TO COME :: Rev. Samuel Kanyike
Isaiah 7:10-17
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Preached by Rev. Samuel Kanyike on 12th December 2023 (Morning Glory Service).
Morning Devotion :: Wed. 6th Dec. 2023 :: ‘HE CAME TO BIND THE BROKEN HEARTED’ :: Rev Agnes Joy Odongo
Isaiah 61:1
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Preached by Rev. Agnes Joy Odongo on 6th December 2023 (Morning Devotion).
Evening Teaching :: Wed. 8th Nov. 2023 :: BEAUTIFUL FEET- PUBLISHING THE GOOD NEWS :: Rev. John Mark Odour
Isaiah 52:7-11
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Preached by Rev. John Mark Odour on 8th November 2023 (Evening Teaching).
Morning Glory :: Tue. 31st Oct. 2023 :: THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND ITS INFLUENCE :: Mr Elon Katweheyo
Isaiah 2:1-4
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Preached by Mr. Elon Katweheyo on 31st October 2023 (Morning Glory Service).
Evening Prayer Time :: Tue. 17th Oct. 2023 :: AUTHORITY THROUGH THE WORD AND PRAYER :: Rev. Richard Musinguzi
Isaiah 55:10-11
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Preached by Rev. Richard Musinguzi on 17th October 2023 (Evening Teaching).
Lunch Hour :: Tue. 17th Oct. 2023 :: ‘..I SHALL NOT LABOUR IN VAIN..!’ :: Rev. Anthony Kamukama
Isaiah 65:12-24
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Preached by Rev. Anthony Kamukama on 17th October 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).