Sermons (9)

Lunch Hour :: Wednesday, 7th August 2024 :: THE LORD; MY STRENGTH & SONG :: Rev. Barbara Mugisha
Exodus 15:2
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Preached by Rev. Barbara Mugisha on 7th August 2024 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: Wed. 15th Nov. 2023 :: THE SPIRIT AND BEING SET APART :: Rev. Betty Mwandha
Exodus 28:1-3
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Preached by Rev. Betty Mwandha on 15th November 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: Mon. 16th Oct. 2023 :: GOD’S VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS :: Mr. Douglas Ssemaganda
Exodus 17:1-7
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Preached by Douglas Martin Ssemaganda on 16th October 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: 30th August 2023 :: "SHOW ME YOUR GLORY, OH LORD..." :: Mr. David Luwaga
Exodus 33:18-20
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Preached by Mr. David Luwaga on 30th August 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Deliverance Hour :: 11th July 2023 :: THE CRY FOR DELIVERANCE :: Ord. Ben Odongo
Exodus 2:23-25
CLICK HERE to play or download
Preached by Rev. Ben Odongo on 11th July 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: 3rd July 2023 :: PERSISTENCE IN SPIRITUAL WARFARE :: Rev Paulson Tumutegyereize
Exodus 5:1-23
CLICK HERE to play or download
Preached by Rev. Paulson Tumutegyereize on 3rd July 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: 29th March 2023 :: THE PURPOSE OF DIVINE VISITATION :: Rev. Canon Dr Rebecca Nyegenye
Exodus 20:18-21
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Preached by Rev.Canon.Dr.Rebecca Nyegenye on 29th March 2023 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: 19th September 2022 :: DEALING WITH SPIRITUAL BARRIERS :: Rev. Jasper Tumuhimbise
Exodus 17:1-14
CLICK HERE to play or download
Preached by Rev. Jasper Tumuhimbise on 19th September 2022 (Lunch Hour Prayers).
Lunch Hour :: 19th July 2022 :: LET MY PEOPLE GO ! :: Rev. Hillary Jaffu
Exodus 5:1
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Preached by Rev. Hillary Jaffu on 19th July 2022 (Lunch Hour Prayers).