On Sunday 28 July 2024, the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda confirmed 201 inmates in the Anglican faith at Luzira Prison. The inmates were from the different prisons of; Kampala Remand, Women’s Prison, Murchison Bay Prison, and Luzira Upper Prison.

In his homily quoted from Genesis 39, the Archbishop encouraged prisoners to have hope in the power of God because he knows all their struggles. 

“Never lose faith and hope; God’s promises will always be fulfilled. Even when all hope is gone, it’s not yet done until it is done” Archbishop said. 

He encouraged them to look to the Lord because He is bigger than their worries and problems. 

“God was with Joseph in the prison, he elevated him to be the second in command of the whole of Egypt. Therefore, don’t look at the bigness of your problem but instead look at the bigness of your God who is able to save you”

He also encouraged them to forgive whole-heartedly so that their Father in heaven can also forgive them. 

“Some of you are here because of your relatives, others it’s about work, and others it’s true you committed those crimes. Despite the challenges you encounter, use your presence here to repent your sins,” he urged.


The Archbishop donated 53 boxes of sanitary pads, 50 boxes of soap and 100 cartoons of soda to the inmates.
In his speech, the Commissioner General of Prisons who was represented by Mr. Tiyo Milton, the Assistant Commissioner General of Prisons (Director Correction Services) requested the Archbishop to advocate for the inmates in various platforms to remove death sentence and to expedite the court processes.
He added that the prison was built to accommodate 20,000 people but currently they have 59,000. He implored for support to mothers who have children in cells. He added that 273 children are with their mothers.
Milton thanked Archbishop for always praying and giving hope to the inmates because that is what they need most.
Furthermore, he said that the inmates get different skills while they are in prison like, carpentry, leatherwork, craft making, vocational skills, and rehabilitation programmes.
In their memorandum to the Archbishop, the inmates thanked His Grace for standing strong against LGBTQ++ and for advocating for the boy child.
“Your Grace, thank you so much for standing firm on issues that contradict with the teaching of God, but also, for thinking about a boy child. Men are more here and we think it is because the boy child has been neglected,” they said.
They further informed him that freedom of worship is a priority in the prison and they are grateful.
The inmates requested archbishop to be their voice so that they get justice. They also requested for the Archbishop tournament and the completion of the place of worship inside the prison which is estimated at 17 Million UGX.
The Archbishop was escorted by the head of clergy Rev Canon Geoffrey Byarugaba, the archdeacon Eastern, Rev Canon Fredrick Baalwa, the Vicar St. Johns Luzira staff Chapel, Rev James Luwum among others.

