The special synod meeting that took place today, 13 August 2024 at All Saints’ Cathedral Kampala has confirmed Venerable Rev Canon Jackson Fredrik Baalwa as the 5th Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Kampala.

In his communication to the members, the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda who is also the Bishop of the Diocese of Kampala, The Most Rev Dr. Samuel Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu announced that he selected Canon Baalwa as his assistant for the Diocese of Kampala.
“Dear ones, I am sure you may have guessed right the reason for this special Synod, actually it is about the next Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Kampala. As you are aware, Bishop Hannington Mutebi announced his intention to retire at the end of this year 2024. After seeking God in prayer and also consulting with others, I was able to nominate; The Venerable Rev Canon Fredrick Jackson Baalwa, The Archdeacon of Southern Archdeaconry and Vicar of Stephen’s Parish Kisugu and presented his name to the House of Bishops in Hoima on August 10, 2024 which unanimously approved this name” archbishop said.

When it comes to the process of having an Assistant Bishop, the Constitution of the Diocese of Kampala guides under article 21 (b) that; “There shall be an Assistant Bishop who shall be nominated by the Bishop with the approval of the House of Bishops. (Diocesan Constitution- 1972 as Amended in 2022 with Annexure of Church Policies, Procedures & Administration Guidelines, 2016 as Reviewed in 2022)”
In addition, Article 13(2) of the Provincial Constitution 1972 as Amended in 1994 and 2016 says that; “… Assistant Bishop may be nominated and appointed by the appropriate Diocesan Bishop after consultation with the Diocesan Synod, provided that that such appointment shall FIRST Be sanctioned by the Archbishop and the House of Bishops”

Canon Baalwa was born on 19th May, 1963 at Musita in Busoga, he is married with three Biological Children.
He holds A Master of Arts Degree in Theology Awarded by Uganda Christian University. A jointly taught and supervised Degree by Trinity School for Ministry USA and Uganda Christian University 2002-2006. A Bachelor of Divinity Awarded by Makerere University but taught at Bishop Tucker Theological College then (1993 -1996)
Diploma in Education (Kyambogo University 1990-1992) He also has a General Certificate in Theology from Namugongo Seminary, a Certificate in Education from Kyambogo and various continuous trainings through short courses in various areas of Ministry.
Canon Baalwa accepted Christ 21st January, 1985. He started serving in church as a Catechist in 1983 then he went training as a Lay Reader and was commissioned as Lay Reader in December 1985 in Mukono Diocese. He was made Deacon in 1989, Priested in 1991, and Installed as Canon in 2000 as Canon Missioner for Children and Youth.
Canon Baalwa has ministry experience in church of 41 years. 7 years as catechist and lay reader, 33 years as a priest, 24 years as a Canon, and 6 years as an Archdeacon.
He served in two Cathedrals, St. Philip & Andrew Cathedral Mukono and All Saints’ Cathedral Kampala.
He served as a Diocesan Assistant Education Coordinator, A Canon Missioner for Children and Youth Ministry and a Diocesan Secretary in Mukono Diocese. Canon Baalwa also served as a teacher and Chaplain in various schools but also as a
Chaplain of Uganda Christian University where he also lectured in the Bishop Tucker School of Theology and Divinity – training people to become Clergy.
Currently he is the Archdeacon of Southern Archdeaconry in the diocese of Kampala.
He therefore has a wide experience of ministry in the institutions, in church, in leadership and administration, in pastoring the flock and pastoring of Pastors. The experience involves the City of Kampala. It is local, national and global.
Consecration of the Assistant Bishop will take place on 1st November 2024 at All Saints’ Cathedral Kampala. On the same day, the new Cathedral will be consecrated, new canons installed and also priesting and ordaining of the new clergy.
Diocese of Kampala is one of the 39 Dioceses that form the Church of Uganda. It is a city Diocese in the Anglican Church of Uganda and the Archbishop of the COU is the Bishop of the Diocese. It is located on plot 1 Nakasero hill; Diocese of Kampala has three archdeaconries; Southern, Central and Eastern.