“… And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk and humbly with your God.” [Micah 6:8]

The Cathedral Congregations were blessed to have one of the Elders Justice Kenneth Kakuru preach to the three [3] services on the Topic ‘The Call to Act Justly’ basing on Micah 6:6-8 and Luke 18:1-8 concurrently. This particular Sunday marked the culmination of the Women’s Week as well as celebrating Women’s Day. Justice Kakuru therefore focused his Sermon on Women and specifically the Girl Child and he precisely outlined the state women are facing in Uganda today and corresponding challenges encountered; and pointed out possible ways how this unfortunate context can be eliminated.
i. The Preacher pointed out that amidst some stable Families that exist, Christian Families today are challenged by different
vices such as violence, murder and land grabbing amongst others; which to a great extent impact negatively on family unity and
fabrics! He urged the congregants to take note of the underling factors of the vices that impact on their families and form well
researched and modest opinion to alleviate them;
ii. Focusing on the position of the girl child in the Family as illustrated in Genesis 1:26, he pointed out that both male and female were created in God’s image and He expects the human race to love each other no matter their different i.e. tribes, religion, culture and backgrounds [Gal.; 3:28];
iii. The Girl Child [ just like the boys therefore need to be showed love, respect and favored within our homes and families with provision of education, skills and health care; more so receiving love by fellow brethren especially brothers and husbands;
iv. The Preacher pointed out clearly that Jesus demonstrated Godly love for those that were vulnerable and abused as espoused by the story of the Samaritan woman who had felt rejected and despised by the Community. Likewise, we should do the same;
v. He challenged the Congregations to take special considerations for the Widows in the Church today who are not fully embraced! In the same vein, all categories of ‘House Mangers’ i.e. House Girls, Boys need to be appreciated and given due respect. Failure to do the above promotes segregation, ill will and results in rampant hatred and animosities;
vi. Justice Kakuru challenged men to be productive and assume their responsibilities in the Homes. They too should embark on Will making as a means of forwarding planning for their Families just in case death struck at any moment; and
vii. The Preacher pointed out that transparence should be a benchmark in all families especially in Finances. He called upon all Christians and especially the Couples to be transparent. He urged the congregations to act justly and love mercy in regard to those who persecute and mistreat them as well as showing acts of love and mercy through forgiveness just like Joseph portrayed towards his brothers [Romans 12:21]

Guiding Questions and Prayer Items:
1) Reflecting on the key issues raised by the Preacher, how do we as Individuals, Families and Nation treat the Girl Child and Women today?
2) What lessons do we learn from John 4:1-26 [Samaritan Woman]? As a Team, point out some lessons from Jesus’ approach towards the Samaritan woman. How can we emulate Christ in our day today?
3) Prayerfully reflect on Ruth 1:16-18 and make a deliberate choice to surrender, to walk and abide in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.

Revd. Canon Erisa Grace Sentongo
[Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral Care]
Tel. Nos. +256 414 342128, +256 77 2503180/702 503180

