Christian greetings friends, Last Sunday our topic was Growing Together Hebrews 10:19-25 and Luke 8:14-15. As ASCK parishioners, do you belong to a Cell, or a fellowship? How then can we grow together as a church if we don’t belong to any of these? The following should be put into consideration as we grow together in Cells/fellowships.
a) Our Doctrine; Do you know whom you believe in? As Anglicans [apostles and Nicene Creed] As a body of Christ, individual, family, different ministries like Cell or Prayer Ministry, As parishioners of ASCK do we believe in the same vision and Doctrine? How then can we grow together if we don’t?
b) Our Unity in faith as a body of Christ; Are we moving together as a cell or fellowship, and is there love for one another? Today’s challenge as we grow are the classes of people in our midst, those that know the word, the rich, educated, and prayerful. Because of these emphasies we can’t grow together. How can we grow with those among us that aren’t of these classes? Is anyone hurting, lost, struggling and we walk along with them. When the church earnestly prayed for Peter who had been imprisoned and to be put to death, it’s at this point that the believers never chose to forsake him but to earnestly pray for him.
c) Spur one another on toward love and good deeds [practical love]. The love for Christ compels us to love one another. He laid down his life for us. What is it about your life that you can lay down? Is it your time, money, career, work or a listening ear? There’s someone in your family, Cell/ fellowship, neighbor, community that is waiting for your help since they are struggling with some challenge.
d) Confession of our sins and repentance. When we confess our sins even to one another there is a sense of accountability and need for godly counsel. It creates an atmosphere of repentance and confession and healing among cell members, it restores everyone.
e) Praying together; We ought to make time for prayer when we gather in these cells and fellowships, family altars. There should be more time for prayer than idle talk. People around us need prayers and needs God’s answers from their prayers.
f) Reading and studying the word; Reading and sharing the word together impacts everyone in the cell/ fellowship. Knowing that God’s word is essential in increasing our faith, it should therefore be a priority in our fellowships. For Christ is the word, the life and light that we need for us to grow together. May we choose today to invite Jesus Christ in our lives, Cells, fellowships, family altars and ably
grow together?
Guidelines and Question:
1) How are you growing together in your family, Cell or fellowship, work place, Church?
2) How can the need for growing together be addressed best?
3) Prayerfully purpose to grow together in Christ’s likeness.
More study helps: [Acts 12:1-15, I John 3:16-17, John 1; 1-4, James 5: 14].
Rev. Patrick Kamara
Priest in Charge: Home Cell and Pastoral Care
0772482433/0754 482433 /0753922448