May the blessings of the New Year [2019] hover on us always. Amen.
The Revd. Irene Akankwasa in charge of Prayer and Intercessions at the Cathedral blessed the three Congregations on 30th December 2018 with a very thrilling Homily on the Topic ‘Transforming Power of the Word of God’ based on Isa.55:10-12 and Jn. 6:22-35 respectively. On the other hand, Revd. Paul Sembiro Wasswa ushered in the Cathedral Congregations to the new Year on 1st January 2019 on the Theme ‘Depending on the Word of God as we move to the unknown’.

Revd. Irene emphasized that the Word of God:
a.  Just like rain transforms the seeds to life [Isa. 55], The Word of God cuts through our lives and brings in new Life to Believers in Jesus Christ [Acts 2:37];
b.  The Word of God serves as a Lamp for direction and path and always double edged sword [2 Tim. 3:16-17];
c.  The Word of God rebukes and stream lines all people of God [Rom. 2:2] and should be preached in and out of Season
d.  All Christians therefore should study, read, meditate and apply the Word to their lives and every context of life [Joshua 1:8]
On new Year’s Day, Revd. Wasswa focused on the Theme ‘Depending on the Lord as we go through the unknown’ based on Josh.3:1-7 and Mt. 6:25-30. He pointed out that:
a. Moving to the unknown causes anxiety but no person is in charge [Jn.4: 13-16]. No man/woman can master the unknown! We leave it to God!
b. Christians ought to ‘camp in the unknown situations’ and allow Jesus Christ to make and determine their ways [ Mt.6:31];
c. Congregants should consecrate and set themselves apart and in the long run align to God alone in His Will [Jos. 3:5]. Our God is not a dispensing Machine! He listens to each of us individually and acts in love in all situations;

d. The unknown circumstances demand us to come to God and listen to Him through the Word of God [Isa. 30:21; Ps. 119:105].

Guiding Questions and Prayer moments

Reflecting on the two Expositions from Revd. Irene and Revd. Paul, spend some quality time as a cell to reflect and share on the following:
i. How does your personal Life make you a Testimony for others to emulate? How has the word of God contributed to transforming your Life?
ii. Have you ever been in the ‘Unknown Territory’? What does it mean for you as an individual and your Family to move to the unknown? How did you/have you handled that time? Do you [did you] allow God to step with you in the unknown waters?

Rev. Canon Erisa Grace Sentongo
[Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral Care]
Tel. Nos. +256 414 342128, +256 77 2503180/702 503180

