Praise the Lord! Last Sunday Mr. Dan Magumba preached on the topic: Giving as Mission from 2 Cor. 9:1-10 and Mark 12:41-44. Dan. defined Giving as to put something into the possession of someone else, to offer to somebody, to donate, to bestow something to somebody and also referred to Mission as a task/job /an assignment/Calling that somebody has to do in life. He therefore informed the Parishioners that giving is a life assignment/calling that is required from us by God. Giving and receiving is the law that God has established to govern creation. Therefore as a Christian are you a giver? He stressed out pertinent concepts regarding giving as a mission namely;
• Always remember that God is the master giver. God gave us an ideal environment in which we could operate in but Adam and Eve messed it up. Even though they did, because of his great love, he never gave up on mankind but gave His only Son Jesus Christ to redeem us, he became poor that we may become rich, He gave of His Spirit/the helper, He gave us gifts to edify His Church.
• Giving and receiving go hand in hand. Since God is a master giver, he is as well the master receiver, so he is interested in the contents of the offering basket. The quality of what you put in the basket to God reflects the quality of your devotion to him.
• God himself owns all the silver and gold. The earth and everything in it belongs to him.
• God is not against you having money and possessions but He is against us being possessed by possessions and money because this has been a source of all crimes and evil.
• To God, our giving is a reflection of the value or worth you attach to him.
• God is the master business man. He is not interested in volume but value of what you offer to Him, since He looks at the heart of the giver. For the widow, what looked small in the eyes of man looked big in the eyes of God because she gave whole heartedly.
• It’s not about the volume but the value. What is the quality of what you give to Him?
• The reason as to why God blesses us is to worship him; those that have invested in God, they shall lack nothing.
• For you to operate in God’s kingdom, everything you possess you need to lay it aside, humble yourself and carry your cross.
• For we are simply stewards of that which God has entrusted us with.
The greatest gifts you can ever give to God is your heart and therefore choose today to surrender your heart to Him so as you learn how to honour Him in your giving. May God deliver us from being possessed by possessions!

Questions and guidelines:
1] What are you giving for the sake of the Kingdom of God?
2] In what areas of your life are you finding challenges as regards Giving?
3] Prayerfully surrender these issues so as you worship God with your giving.

Further study helps. Gen 22:3-12, John 1:3, 2 Cor 8:9, 1 Cor 12:8-10, Matt 6:21, Haggai 2:8, Psalms 24:1, Psalms 23:1, Matt 19:16-24, Job 1:20-22, Eph 3:20

Rev. Patrick Kamara
Priest in Charge: Home Cell and Pastoral Care
0772482433/0754 482433 /0753922448

