May the Peace and Love of God reign within us – Amen. In the Month of April, we shall splendidly walk and explore the Theme ‘Family Stewardship’ and the following sub Topics shall be covered, to include: Skeletons in the Family Closet, Christ the lord of Glory, Victory over Death, Holiness in the Family and Family Stewardship.

The Revd. John Musa Lakor set the ball rolling and presented a Homily on ‘Skeletons in the Family Closet’ utilizing texts drawn from 2 Sam. 11:1-17 and Matt. 23:25-28 correspondingly. The Preacher figuratively illustrated his sermon using a heavy chain that he rounded on his neck to symbolize that people of God were [ and are] chained in Sin, muddle up with diverse skeletons that hinder their intimacy, relationship(s) and love of God to flow spontaneously in their lives. Revd Musa further pointed out that:

  1. Families should identify all hidden skeletons in their Lives [ Houses] and remove them;
  2. Families need to be set free [released] from their past bondages, burdens and focus on the future in the risen hope in Christ [ 1Pet. 1:14];
  3. The Church of God too need to identify the skeletons that hamper their Mission and Ministry and prayerfully ask Jesus Christ our only High Priest to remove them [1Pet. 1:13-16; Heb. 4:14-16];
  4. Breaking the skeletons that hamper and derail our way to holy living therefore begins with an individual. Individuals and the Congregation MUST realize their mistakes done and repent [ Psalms 51: 2 -5; 14]; and
  5. Individuals and Congregations need to ask for help from others who have been released to be released! Praise the lord. Christians therefore should desire to alter their lives towards God [Psalms 51:7].

Guiding Question and Prayer Request:

  1. As a Cell spend moments of time to reflect and review Key Points the Preacher raised in his Homily inclusive those mentioned above;
  2. Spend time to pray, listen to God and think of ways you as an Individual and Church can rectify and remove some of the skeletons in your /our Lives.

Reverend Erisa Grace Sentongo
Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral Care
Tel. Nos. +256 414342128 +256 772503180/ +256 702503180

